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Showing posts from July 19, 2013

Sarvangasana Shoulderstand Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Sarvangasana (Shoulderstand Posture) Lie flat on the back. Raise the trunk, hips and legs quite vertically. Keep toes exactly over the nose and the legs and feet together. Place both arms up to the elbows firmly on the ground. Support the back with the hands, one on each side. The whole body should rest on your shoulders and neck. Do not allow the body to move to and fro. Maintain the posture as long as you can. Then bring the legs down slowly. Benefits:- It acts as a powerful blood purifier. It is considered one of the best postures for nourishing brain, heart and lungs. It strengthens the eyesight and cures indigestion, chronic headache, gastritis and leprosy.

Padatalasamy-ukta-murdhasparsh-asana Fingers-and-toes-on-head Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padatalasamy-ukta-murdhasparsh-asana (Fingers-and-toes-on-head Posture) Sit on your buttocks, bring the soles together and place both hands under the feet and raise them upto the forehead so that the heels touch it. The body should be balanced on the hips only. Benefits:-The joints, stomach, waist and thighs remain healthy.

Vistritapada-parshwa-Bhunamaskarasana Side-bowing Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Vistritapada-parshwa-Bhunamaskarasana (Side-bowing Posture) Sit with the legs spread in front. Stretch them to the right and left as wide as possible. Place the palms to the left of the left leg and side also. Retain the breath in during the exercise. Benefits:- This posture makes chest, ribs and waist strong and symmetric and prevents intestinal disorders.

Pada hastasana Hands-and-feet Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Pada hastasana (Hands-and-feet Posture) Lie down on your back. Retain the breath in, raise the legs and join the feet and heels. Now raise the arms along with the head, neck and chest. Bend a little and hold the big toes of both feet. Try to touch the knees with the tip of the nose. After retaining the breath as long as possible, exhale slowly and return to the normal position. Do it several times. Benefits:-Makes stomach light, healthy and strong.

Moolapida-Bhunaman-Asana Perineum-press Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Moolapida-Bhunaman-Asana (Perineum-press Posture) First take up Gorakshasana (Goraksha Pose). Bend the elbows place them on respective thighs, and fit chin in the pit just in middle of the collar bones. Exhale fully to empty the stomach and close the mouth. Bend forward and touch the ground with the hip of the nose. Retain the breath out as along as possible. While inhaling, return to the normal position. Do it a few times. Benefits:-Regular practice of this position of this posture makes the limbs from waist upwards flexible and strong. Fat on the belly is reduced ; digestion improves and so does the appetite.

Pikasana Peacock Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Pikasana (Peacock Posture) Stand erect. Bend forward from your waist. Insert the hands through the bent legs and place the place on the ground near the feet. Press the elbows on the legs and balance the body on the palms. Take the soles back so as to form the tail of the bird Maintain the posture foe some time. Benefits:- It strengthens the limbs and makes the joints flexible.

Ardha-Matsyendrasana Half-Matsyendra Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ardha-Matsyendrasana (Half-Matsyendra Posture) Place the left heel beneath the right hip, the right sole on the ground towards left of the left knee. Then hold the right toe with the left hand, encircling the right knee. Now take your right hand around the back and place it on the left groin. Turn your face to the right. Taking into consideration the difficulty of the full Matsyendra Pose, the Half-Matsyendra Pose has been explained first. After some practice of the latter, the former will be easy. Shri Gorakhnath’s Guru Matsyendranath used to practice Yoga in this posture. This posture, therefore, become known after his name Benefits:- It keeps the nervous system of waist, spinal cord, thighs, arms and neck strong. It keeps the spine elastic and gives a good massage to the abdominal viscera. It improves digestion and keeps the body fit. It cures urinal troubles and gonorrhoes. Prana and mind are brought under control and it makes the body symmetric.

Gorakshasana Goraksha Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Gorakshasana (Goraksha Posture) Sit in Sukhasana pose and place the soles of the feet against each other so that they press well and the heels press against the perineum. Then place your hands on the knees, make Jnan Mudra and sit erect. Benefits:- It strengthens the nerves and muscles of the knees and thighs and cures all diseases like sperma-torrhoea, and Gon-orrhoea. It removes all nervous debility. Shri Gorakhnath used to practice Yoga in this posture and hence this name.

Muktasana Toe-knee-stand Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Muktasana (Toe-knee-stand Posture) Bring the soles of both the feet against each other and rest your body on the toes keeping the joined heels between anus and testicles. Then let the knees touch the ground and keep the body straight. Place your hands on the knees in Jnan Mudra. Benefits:- Regular practice of this posture strengthens legs and generative organs.

Badhapadmasana Locked Lotus Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Badhapadmasana (Locked Lotus Posture) Sit in Padmasana posture and cross both your hands at the back. Hold the toes with the respective hands and keep the shoulders straight. Inhale and retain the breath Benefits:- It helps in overcoming drowsiness and laziness and cures constipation, wet dreams and kindred diseases. It also prevents epilepsy, pthysis, asthma, cough, piles, fistula, etc. It improves digestion and strengthens the organs above the waist as also steadies the mind.