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Showing posts from February 1, 2013

Cancer Cure Remedy Treatment Therapy Symptoms

CANCER  Cancer means the growth of a useless and shapeless tumor in the body which cannot be contained. If  a  lump or tumor is formed anywhere in the body and grows rapidly and if operated upon, recurs  at another place, it is nothing but cancer. This causes decay in the body, the tumor keeps on growing and burst at times. Early detection is not easy because the patient does not feel any inconvenience in the beginning and ultimately when it is detected it is at such an advanced stage that it becomes incurable and it is difficult to save the patient. It is such a fatal disease that when the patient comes to know that he has developed cancer he is scared to death. But if it is detected at an early stage it is possible to save the patient. The following symptoms can lead to an early detection of cancer : (1)     Any ulcers that do not heal quickly, especially those in the mouth. Any wound on the skin that does not heal even in six months, rather it keeps growing . (2)     Continuous unna