Semen Sperm Emission Excessive Extra How to Cure Symptoms Causes Remedies Treatment Therapy


Semen is secreted testicles. Two small bags of testicles are contained in the scrotum under the penis. Semen is constantly produced in them. Consequently, after a stage, there is no room to store extra semen. The testes, therefore, frequently emit the semen in order to make room for further fresh secretion. This process is known as Emission In this way, emission is a natural activity. Even frequent emission does not cause any physical or mental loss. Mentioned below are the ways to check excessive emission:

Rose apple : Four gms. of the churan of the rose apple kernel taken with water morning and evening effectively checks excessive emission.

Amla : (1) Taking one piece of the preserve of amla daily is beneficial in emission.
(2) Put 200 gms. of amla powder in a glass tumbler. Add 60 ml. of water to it and soak for 12 hours. Then strain it and add 1 gm. Of turmeric powder and drink it. It is a good medicine for emission youths. Amla revitalizes the semen.

Pomegranate : 5 gms. of pomegranate rind taken with water, in morning and evening checks emission.

Banana :It is beneficial in emission and the related disease in which sperm and other vital hormones of the body emanate through urine. Take two banana daily followed by a glass of hot milk for three months.

Garlic : Crush a clove of garlic with teeth and swallow. It will provide relief from emission. Take the clove of garlic after washing your hands and feet before bed – time.

Onion : Mix 10 ml. of the juice of white onion, 8 ml. of the juice of ginger, 5 gms. of honey and 3 gms. of clarified butter and take mixture at bed- time. It checks emission.

Coriander : (1) Taking coriander powder and sugar candy with cool water provides relief from emission, burning micturition, gonorrhea and syphilis. Those who want to be relieved of sexual urge should take 12 gms. of coriander powder mixed in water for a few days.

(2)Grind dry coriander seeds and sieve. Mix equal quantity of ground sugar, Take a spoonful of powder on empty stomach in the morning with a glass of water kept overnight and do not eat or drink anything thereafter for an hour. Similarly take another does in the evening at 5.00 with a glass of water kept since morning. If the patient suffers from constipation he should take 2 tsp. of isabgo husk with warm milk. It provider quick relief from emission.

Basil : Cut the roots of basil plant into small pieces and grind into powder. Take it mixes in water. It will be beneficial Do not take hot milk at bedtime. Do not sleep on your back. Lie on the side. Wash your hands and face before going to bed. Get up early in the morning. Avoid bad company and bad habits. While taking your bath wash clean the urinary organ well. The loss of semen leads to the weakening of body’s resistance power. People suffering from emission should take lukewarm milk three hours before going to bed. Do not go to bed immediately after taking milk.
