Measles Cure Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy
It is an eruptive, infectious disease of childhood. It spreads rapidly from one child to another. It is caused by a kind of virus which spreads from one person to another through breathing. Its major symptoms are sneezing by a child, running nose, red eyes and continuous dry with a grating sound. The child continues to cough for a long time. The temperature in fever rises to 103-104 degrees. Within three days of the development of fever there appear red eruptions on the face and chest. After the eruption subside, the fever and cough also begin to subside. Sometimes measles lead to pneumonia. Other children should not be allowed to come in contact with the child suffering from measles.
Cloves : Grind cloves and give it the patient with honey. It will provide relief. It is based on experience.
Amla : If there is burning and itching in measles boil dry amla in water and wash the body with it is cold. It will provide relief from burning and itching.
Butter : If heat has generated in the body because of measles, mix butter and sugar candy in equal quantity and lick 2 tsp. of it in the morning.
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