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Cancer Cure Remedy Treatment Therapy Symptoms


 Cancer means the growth of a useless and shapeless tumor in the body which cannot be contained. If  a  lump or tumor is formed anywhere in the body and grows rapidly and if operated upon, recurs  at another place, it is nothing but cancer. This causes decay in the body, the tumor keeps on growing and burst at times. Early detection is not easy because the patient does not feel any inconvenience in the beginning and ultimately when it is detected it is at such an advanced stage that it becomes incurable and it is difficult to save the patient. It is such a fatal disease that when the patient comes to know that he has developed cancer he is scared to death. But if it is detected at an early stage it is possible to save the patient. The following symptoms can lead to an early detection of cancer :

(1)    Any ulcers that do not heal quickly, especially those in the mouth. Any wound on the skin that does not heal even in six months, rather it keeps growing .

(2)    Continuous unnatural excessive bleeding, especially in the case of women after climatic period.  Bleeding while passing stool, especially when the patient does not suffer from piles.

(3)    Excessive growth or tumors and lumps in any part of the body, especially in women.

(4)    Difficulty in wallowing food and continuous indigestion.

(5)    Continuous cough, hoarse voice or bad throat.

(6)    Malfunctioning of intestine, continuous constipation and loose motions.

(7)    Pain or change of colour in any speck, wart or keloid.

(8)    Unexpected loss of weight and strength and aversion to food.

In case there is any of the above symptoms and have a doubt about cancer, consult a doctor.


    Saccharin is an artificial granular substance. Which is three hundred times sweeter than sugar . It has no food value or calories It is derived from petroleum and coltar and has been used since 1950 as a substitute for sugar for diabetics. Since it is very sweet and its use in place of sugar is highly economical from business point of view, it is freely used in canned food and business point of view, it is freely used in canned food and drinks.

 To say that saccharin is useful for obese and diabetic persons because it will reduce the fat content in their blood is nothing but a commercial gimmick to sell things by promoting the culture of consumerism . In reality , it does provide any such benefits.

According to studies conducted in America and Canada, the use of saccharin is harmful for human body and it increases the possibility of cancer of the bladder. Several institutes like Wisconsin Alumini Institute, American Food and Drink Organization and health care Department of Canada conducted experiments in 1971, 1974 and 1977 respectively in which they fed saccharin to mice and assessed its
affects. It was found   that most of the mice that were fed saccharin developed tumors in the bladder.
On the basis of these experiments the National Academy of sciences in America drew a conclusion in 1978 that saccharin contains cancer causing elements in excess. As saccharin is used literally in all drinks and canned foods, Therefore, Canada, New Zealand and several European countries have banned the use of saccharin in these things. America has also banned its use in food items. But India is usually indifferent to such matters.

Cosmetics : Women often use soaps, creams, powders shampoos, lotions, etc., as beauty aids but as these things contain harmful chemicals, they fall a prey to skin diseases and cancer.

Cancer is caused by accumulation of pollutants in the blood. Instead of getting scared, you should change your life-style  to get rid of the disease. According to Heeri  Research  Centre in England,  women who conceive before the age of 33, do not suffer from breast cancer, tumor, etc. This disease can be checked by turning to nature, living a natural life and consuming food in its natural from. Whereas allopathic system of medicine has caused panic among the patients by telling them that it is incurable, food therapy infuses a new ray of hope in the life of cancer  patients and take them on the road to recovery. Take the following food items regularly and live a healthy life :

 Cauliflower : Take ¾ cup of cauliflower juice daily in the morning on empty stomach. It will be beneficial.
Cabbage : Take atleast  ⅟2 cup of cabbage juice daily the first thing in the morning on empty stomach. It can cure cancer in its early stages.

 Food : It has proved by the on-going research that the chemical beta – carotene present in food can destroy cancer cells. It is found in plenty in whole pulses, cabbage, cauliflower, carrot, lemon and fruits of the species of mausambi. These fruits and vegetable should be consumed  in plenty by cancer patients. Fried food causes cancer. Fried food contains cancer-causing carcinogens which get into the stomach with the food. Therefore, Fried food should not be consumed.

 Grapes : The cancer patient should observe fast the first three days. Then he should be given grapes to eat. He should also be given enema sometimes. He should not be given more than 2  kg. of grapes in a day. After a few days given him butter milk to drink. Do not give anything else to eat. It is a slow process  and takes several months to provide relief. The grape poultice can be applied on the wounds. Sometimes grape juice causes stomach ache or a burning sensation in the anus. But there is no cause for fear. The pain will subside after a few days. Fomentation will be beneficial at the time of pain.

Bel : The use of Bel has been considered beneficial in bone cancer, blood cancer and other types of cancer. Bel can be taken in the form of juice or in any other form.

 Carrots : Carrots juice is a good anti-toxicant. It can cure  even the most incurable diseases such as cancer. Two glasses of carrot juice should be taken daily—one before breakfast in the morning and another in the evening. 12 oz. of carrots  juice mixed with 4 oz. of spinach juice is especially beneficial in cancer.

Wheat : How is wheatgrass helpful in treating cancer ? cancer is only a state of the body which indicates that there is something wrong with  this wonderful machine . Nature always tries to maintain a balance in the human body. Since people have different life-styles, they suffer from different diseases—Some suffer from cancer. There was a women suffering from breast cancer. Had tried all types ot treatment but of noShe was put on the diet of different type of fruit juice, she was cured in a few months. Wheat grass is an effective anti- toxicant. Its use can cure cancer and many other diseases. Its juice is known as green—blood.It is said that upto 405 of its properties are similar to those of human blood.

How to Pre pare Wheat Grass Juice

  Fill 10 or 12 earthen pots with clean soil without manure. Sow half a handful of wheat in each earthen pot one by one every day and water them occasionally. Put the earthen post in shade. When the wheatgrass is 6 inches high in one of them, uproot it and cut off the roots, wash it well and grind into a paste, put it int5o a piece of cloth and squeeze out the juice. Drink it immediately. Take it twice daily in the morning and evening In this way, Keep sowing wheat and taking wheatgrass juice regularly. In addition, soak  ⅟2  cup of clean and washed wheat in a pot in two cups of water.

  Drink the water after twelve hours Take it twice daily, in the morning and evening. In this way, you will see that even the deadliest of diseases get cured within 8-10 or 15-20 days and within two or three months even a patient on the deathbed would be fully cured and his normal health would be restored. Do not add lemon or salt to the juice. Also do not eat anything for some time after the juice. Take this treatment and inform the writer about the outcome so that experience of one patient could inspire other patients to benefit from it. While taking the juice of wheat grass eat as much of raw food such as fruits, vegetable, sprouted grains, etc., as possible to derive the maximum benefit.

Curd : The Scientists of National Dairy Institute have opined after conducting an research that curd can check the possible occurrence of several types of cancer. Curd is highly beneficial for health. Curd is a milk product but when milk is turned into curd, it acquires properties which make it much more useful than milk.
Cancer of the stomach : Garlic prevents stomach cancer. When suffering from cancer, a few cloves of garlic should be ground and mixed in water and taken for a few weeks. It will cure the cancer. Taking garlic thrice daily after meals cleans the bowels. It causes contractions in the muscles of the stomach and thus reduces the pressure on the intestines. It stimulates the liver as a result of which the capillaries in the walls of stomach get a supply of oxygen and blood.

Bread : New Delhi, 10th June, 1979 . If one wants to avoid the cancer of the stomach, one should increase the intake of bread. This new discovery was by the nutrition scientist prof. Groye of Lieden University (Germany). Bread prevents cancer because according to nutrition scientist, it is more easily digestible than other food products and thus alleviates the risk of intestinal cancer.

For effective treatment of cancer it is essential that complete changes should be made in food habits. It is also necessary to avoid carbonated foods, smoking, carcinogen and chemicals.


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