Sexual Sexually Transmitted Diseases How to Trichomoniasis Candidacies Venereal warts Syphilis Gonorrhoea Genovenosis Causes Symptoms Cure Remedies Treatment Therapy


In the absence of proper knowledge about sex, sexual diseases are increasing day by day. Sexual diseases start at the young age of 12 years and if untreated, at the peak of youth, that is, between 25-30 year of age, the cause extreme despair and a feeling of helplessness in the youth . This is the story of thousands of young men I lave know personally. The basic cause of sexual diseases is masturbation or onanism.

In adolescence they masturbate so much that the sexual organ becomes weak and as result their married life is unhappy. They acquire the habit of masturbation from bad companions. They fantasize and fall a prey to nightfall or emission and wet their clothes with their semen. The semen gradually becomes thin and after marriage they find it difficult to retain and there is early ejaculation and finally they become impotent. The disease is usually kept secret and the patient does not discuss it with the physician but he takes medicines given by quacks and jugglers and is often trapped by sex advertisements and thus spoils his health and life becomes hell.

All medicines for providing sexual vigour or semen support contain intoxicants like marijuana, opium, etc. which lead to an increase in sexual indulgence, destroy the health and causes various diseases. Every young man should remember that artificial treatment will not bring results. Only the use of natural things can lead to good health and enable one to get rid of sexual diseases.

Having sexual relation outside marriage also causes sexual diseases. It is a despicable disease. One who looks at the patient can judge that he is suffering from a sexual disease and he begins to hate him. The patient gradually falls in to the pit of despair and his death is certain. To protect yourself and other from sexual diseases is a noble work and basic to the construction of a   beautiful and healthy society. Acquaint yourself with the various sexual diseases described here, take proper treatment and get a new lease of life. Never commit a sexual indiscretion in future.

Syphilis : It is a contagious venereal disease which is caused by promiscuous sex. The germs of the disease enter the body through sexual intercourse. Consequently, the sinning man takes the disease to his wife also.
Its germs affect a person in two- three weeks. Wounds appear on the private parts of the man. These wounds are painless and there is  no itching. Painless wounds are the first sign of syphilis On the first appearance of such a wound, immediate treatment is essential. If treatment is not taken even then the wounds will disappear and the patient thinks he has recovered, but it is a wrong notion and the disease keeps developing inside the body and affects the whole body.

After two or three weeks the germs strike again. Swelling as is caused by the sting of an insect appears over the entire body. Even this swelling is painless and free from itching. It is the second stage of the disease. If treatment is taken even at this stage, the patient recovers. Gradually this swelling this swelling disappears. But after a month wounds appear on the chest and patient remains constantly sick. It is the third and final stage of the disease. If treatment is taken even at this stage, the patient will recover.

But if treatment is not possible. In such a situation any important part of the patient’s body may be damaged. The patient may suffer from heat problem, blindness, deafness, insanity, impotence or he may even die.
Women suffering from this disease develop black spots on  palms and soles. If an affected women given birth to a child, the germs do not spare even the young one. The blisters on the private parts of an infant given a clue to this disease.

Gonorrhoea : Pain on micturition  and the secretion  of  pus from the private is an indication of gonorrhea. The external sign of this disease in an infant delivered by an affected women is redness of eyes.
Rativran : It is characterized by ulceration in the private parts and painful swelling in the thighs.

AIDS :AIDS (Acquired Immuno  Deficiency Syndrome ) has turned into a huge problem and is a terrible disease. In 99% cases the chief reson for AIDS is multiple sexual relationship.

AIDS spreads through the virus named H.I.V. The virus connects itself with lymphocyte alongwith T Iymphocyte and fits in as a socket and affects the activities of the activities of the cells and gradually destroyed the immune system. The immune system does not get destroyed immediately but comes to nought  gradually and finally the patient dies.

Sexual relationship with other than the life partner should be avoided. We should enlighten the people in this regard.

 Genovenosis : It is characterized by constantly increasing pinkish growth in the private parts. If not treated properly, it can turn into cancer. In case there is painful swelling in the thinghs, it can be lyphogranuloma venereal

Venereal warts : The disease is characterized by slow but constant growth of pinkish warts in the private parts, which are painless. These are venereal warts.

Candidacies : If the skin in the private parts becomes scaly and cracks with a burning pain and there is a butter – like thick and white secretion from the private parts, the disease is known as candidacies. Diabetic patients can acquire it quickly through sexual intercourse. It can treated by applying one per cent Jensen Violet.

Trichomoniasis : If there is a foul – swelling yellowish liquid secretion from the private and is accompanied by burning pain, the disease is known as Trichomoniasis.

Riviserp which is an itch of the generative organs causes very painful wounds in the private parts. Women are usually not aware of this disease. The wounds occur in the Vagina and the germs travel through in tercourse to the body of the man. It is also known as Herpes Genitalis. The application of one per cent Gention Violet is useful in this disease also. It is available at chemist shops.

To avoid sexual diseases it is advisable that man should not have sexual relations with other than his wife and  should take and satvik food.
