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Insomnia sleep disorder chronic primary cure symptoms causes remedies treatment therapy


It is said that Henry  IV about whom Shakespeare has written a play suffered from insomnia. He used to say, “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” The patients of insomnia can be divided into seven categories. The first and the largest category is of those who are victims of excessive insomnia─ people who keep awake during the night because they do not get any sleep or if their sleep is disturbed because of some reason, they can’t go back to sleep.

The second category belongs to those who drink; they take sleeping pills or use some other sedatives. Another category of people are those who have been suffering from sleep disorders from cute depression or worries. The fifth category belongs to those who are somnolent ─such people are sleepy most of the time. Whatever vocation they may be engaged in and whatever the time may be, they feel drowsy and engaged in and whatever the time may be, they feel drowsy and want to go to sleep. The sleep of the people in the sixth category is continuously disturbed because of breathing problem. People in the seventh category indulge in sleep – walking, gritting teeth or moving the muscles during sleep.

 Patients should not be encouraged to use sleeping pills. There are other ways to overcome sleep related problems, for example, the patient should be asked not to take coffee in the afternoon. He patient should be told to do exercise and go to regularly. Besides, he should not go to bed in the afternoon. He should learn to relax his muscles and do exercises which induce sleep and relaxation.

Remembering God : While going to sleep it is good to remember God. It will help you in getting good and refreshing sleep.

Massage : Massage the neck, backbone and shoulder well for ten minutes  before going to sleep. Massage the backbone with both upward and downward movement of the hands. Take a little stroll before bed time. Go to bed after passing the urine. It induces good sleep. If you do not get sleep soon after you get into the bed, do not worry. It is a good time for rest. You will get good sleep after this rest.

   Keep regular sleeping hours. If you do not go to sleep in time, It is difficult to get sleep later. When you feel sleepy, go to bed alone. When trying to sleep, concentrate on breathing and to reverse counting from 100 downwards.

   Eating the following food items is sleep – inducing:-
(1)   Eating apple preserve, and
(2)   Taking carrot juice.

Onion : If you do not get sleep, eat raw or cooked onions or roast onion in hot ashes and take four tsp. of its juice. It will induce good sleep.

Mustard oil : Massaging the soles of the feet with mustard oil provides calmness and good sleep.

Aniseed : Boil 10 gms. of aniseed in  ½ litre of water, when the water is reduced to one – fourth quantity, strain and mix with 250 ml. of milk and 15 gms. of clarified butter. Add sugar to taste and drink before bedtime.

Mango : Eat a mango at night followed by a glass of milk. It will induce good sleep.

Carrots : Carrots contain nutrients of a balanced diet. It cure insomnia. Take a glass of carrots juice daily.

Cabbage : It is good for patients of insomnia. Cabbage should be taken as a vegetable cooked in clarified butter.

Milk : (1) Eating 50 gms. of mawa or khoya made of milk before bedtime induces good sleep.
(2)Take a glass of milk mixed with sugar and a tsp. of clarified butter before bed time. It will quickly induce sleep.

 Nutmeg : Grind it in water or clarified butter and apply on the eyelids. You will quickly go to sleep.

Tea : It is harmful for a patient of insomnia. Taking tea in the evening causes sleeplessness.

Coriander : Grind fresh coriander leaves and mix with sugar and water and drink. It induces good sleep and provides relief from headache.

Curd : Curd mixed with black pepper powder, aniseed and sugar is sleep – inducing.

Honey : Mix a tsp. each of lemon juice and honey and take it at bed time. It facilitates sleep. If sleep is disturbed, again take the above mixture and it will induce sleep. If lemon is not available drink a glass of water with 2 tsp. honey mixed in it. It is helpful.

Water : If you are not  getting sleep, put your feet and legs in warm water for ten minutes before going to bed. It is known as washing the feet with warm water. If you feel giddy, put a wet handkerchief on your head. In summer it is better to wash your feet with cold water before going to bed. You will get good sleep.


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