Leucoderma Vitiligo Cure Remedies Therapy Treatment Symptoms


‘Leuco means ‘white’ and ‘derma’ means ‘skin’, thus leucoderma means abnormal whiteness of the skin. This disease is usually very difficult to treat. If the patient and the physician treat this disease for a long time with patience, it is possible to cure it during the treatment very small blackish spots appear in the white patches. These   spots keep spreading and the skin gradually becomes normal. The abnormal whiteness disappears. In this way, the disease is cured. It is not an infection disease. Only the skin becomes white.
Causes : Why do white patches appear ? So far it has not been possible to find out what causes this problem. However, there are certain things which affect the human body and can cause white patches in the skin, which spread rapidly.

(1)When the quantity of melanin in the blood is reduced, the skin becomes white , (2) chronic constipation, (3) malfunctioning of the liver, jaundice, (4) ailments of the stomach, (5) worms, (6) diseases like typhoid which affect the stomach and intestines, (7) chronic diarrhea, (8) irregular food habits, indigestion,(9) insufficient sweating,(10) heredity, (11) excessive mental tension or worries, (12) syphilis, (13) tubercular constitution, (14) hurt, burn, (15) wearing clothes tight at the waist, (16) problems of the ear, teeth and throat,(17) meat-eating.

Symptoms : White spots can appear anywhere in body. Initially they appear on hands, elbows, face, ankles, feet and other parts which come under pressure such as waist, where you tie the belt, etc. Gradually, they spread and merge and cover the whole body. These white spots do not cause any type of pain. That is why the patient does not care to go for treatment when it is at the initial stage and ignores it considering it to be a small spot. But when finger lips, palms, soles lips, etc. become white it becomes difficult to cure the disease and it takes a very long time. When the whole body becomes leucodermic, there is very little possibility of its cure. When the spots have just started appearing and they have not spread beyond two or three inches, they can be cured.

It usually takes a year or two to treat leucoderma.  In the world of medicine, leucoderma can be treated by homeopathic system of medicine.

Treatment through Food

Internal Use : Put pomegranate leaves to dry in the shade, grind them into a fine powder, sieve it and take 8 gms. Of it each in the morning and evening with fresh water.

Gram : (1) Soak a handful of gram and 10 gms. Of triphala churan in 1.25 litre of water. After 12 hours tie the soaked gram in a piece of coarse cloth and pour the remaining water on the bundle. Open the bundle after twenty four hours. This way , you will get gram sprouts. If they do not sprout due to weather conditions, you may eat them without sprouting. Chew the sprouted gram well. Eating them regularly for six months will cure leucoderma.

(2) During treatment of leucodrema. If you stop taking salt, you will derive greater benefit. Eat rotis made of gram flour without salt for a long period. You can apply clarified on the rotis. Eat gram daal also. Eating gram flour rotis wiyhout salt regularly for a considerably long period will cure leucoderma without any medicines. If you find it difficult to eat gram flour roti for a long time, mix wheat and gram flour in equal quantity, add rock salt and eat rotis daily. Similarly, in place of gram daal, you may sometime take moog daal. Among other vegetable, you may take spinach, carrots, parwal and potatoes in a small quantity.

 The use of calcium-rich food with Vitamin-D is highly beneficial. You get Vitamin-D from the Sun- bath is beneficial for leucodermic patients.

Abstinence : Do not take sour things, meat, especially fish, rice, salt, oil, jiggery, chillies.
 Besides the above eatables, also use one of the things for external application on the white spots for a long time.

Bathua : Boil bathua, squeeze out the juice and drink it. Also eat bathua as a vegetable. Wash the affected skin with boiled bathua water. Grind raw bathua leaves and squeeze out the juice and mix ½ cups of sesame oil with two cups of bathua  juice and heat it slowly. When the juice evaporates and only the oil is left, strain it and store it in a bottle. Apply it regularly on white spots It will be beneficial.

Ginger : Mix 15 gms. Of bapchi  with 30 ml.  of ginger juice. When both of them get dry, mix 45 gms. of sugar and grind. Take a tsp. of it daily with cool water once in the morning an hour after meals. Apply bapchi oil on white spots. Sometime a patient develops blisters or latches because of the application of bapchi oil. Therefore, great precaution should be taken in its application. Even, if there is a slight problem do not use it. Initially, apply bapchi oil only on patch of half an inch at one place for four days. If there is no reaction, you may use it on all the white spots. If the disease is in its early stages, it gets cured in five months.

Walnut : Walnut tree has such a toxic effect that the soil around the roots of the tree gets blackened. There are several  accounts in books  saying that eating walnuts regularly cures leucoderma.

Neem : Grind dry neem leaves, flower and fruits in equal quantity and take a tsp. of it daily with water.

Alfa-alfa : Mix 100 gms. Each of alfalfa and cucumber juice and drink it daily. It will cure leucoderma. Drink it daily twice in the morning and evening for a few months.

Garlic : Grind  harad in garlic juice and apply on white spots. Eating garlic will also help.
Butter milk : Taking butter milk is beneficial in leucodrma.

Black gram : Grind black gram in water and apply on the white spots for four months. It will cure leucoderma.

Turmeric : Mix 125 gms. Of turmeric powder in 500 gms. of spirit in a glass and cork it and put it in the sun . Stir it well three times every day. After three days, strain and again store in a glass bottle. This will be turmeric tincture. It will be beneficial to apply it thrice daily on the white spots. Take a tsp. of turmeric powder twice daily in the morning and evening with hot milk for six months. It will beneficial in leucoderma.

Basil : Taking a basil plant with its roots,. Wash it and clean it well. Pound it and cook it slowly in  ½ litre water mixed with ½ litre oil. When the water evaporates and only the oil is left, mash and strain it to get the basil oil. Apply it on white spots.

Spomia Fistulose (Swallow-wort ) : It is a plant and can be found easily everywhere. Application of its milk on the white spots cure them in a month or two. Do not apply it near the eyes and on the lips.

Leucoderma can be cured by taking homeopathic medicines, prescribed food items and by applying on the above mentioned local medicines. Leucoderma should be treated not only by medicines but also by food. Those who to know more about it, should correspond with the present writer.


  1. Vitiligo is a condition with more than one meaning social than medical. Leucoderma Treatment


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