Throat Pain How to Relief Cure What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Diet Treatment Therapy


Pin in the throat is caused by rating hot and spicy food, the use of medicines, cold, flu and swelling in the throat. Do not take cold drinks if you have pain in the throat.

Coriander seeds : Chew 2 tsp. of coriander seeds every three hours. It is beneficial in all types of throat pain.

Salt : Gargling with hot saline water is beneficial.

Tamarind : Rinsing the mouth with tamarind relieves throat pain.

Lemon : Squeeze a lemon in a glass of water and rinse the mouth and gargle. Drink hot water lemon juice.

Spinach : Boil 250 gms. of spinach leaves in two glass water and strain. Gargle with hot spinach water. It will relieve pain.

Mulberry : Taking mulberry syrup removes dryness of throat and relieves pain.
