Headache Migraine Tension headache Cluster headache Migraine headaches Stress How to Cure Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy


Headache can be felt in the forehead, temples, the back or the upper part of the head or anywhere in the head. Headache may just be a symptom in a few diseases as fever, flue, small – pox, etc. Sometimes headache is not the result of any other disease. Such a headache in itself is a disease.

Causes of Headache: (1) When blood accumulates in the veins of the brain, it causes headache. (2) Constant headache can be a symptom of increased blood pressure. When the blood pressure is low it also leads to headache, because the brain does not get enough blood – oxygen. (3) During fever headache is caused by the expansion of brain arteries. (4) Headache can be caused by the dilatation of arteries in the head because of extreme anger or severe mental tension. Anxiety causes tension in the muscles of the face and head leading to occipital headache. (5) Lack of sleep or sleeplessness causes headache. (6)  Toxins in the blood because of urine problems, Constipation, dyspepsia, etc. also cause headache. (7) Ulcer, swelling, etc. in the brain causes pain. (8) Weak eyesight, diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, teeth cause headache (9) Some medicines or introduction of some adverse external protein can cause headache. (10) Constant chronic headache is caused by acidity and diseases of the eyes.

Treatment : Headache can be cured by treating the patient taking into account the cause, nature be condition and the humour of the body. First of all try to remove the cause.

 The headache caused by catarrh, over – exertion, mental tension, keeping awake at night and accumulation of blood does not require any treatment. Reduction in the use of oily food leads to whiteness in the eyes and dryness in the brain. It causes headache. In this type of headache the use of milk, butter, clarified butter, halwa and such other oily foods is beneficial. The headache caused by physical and mental exertion requires rest. Sleep provides relief in all types of headache. If sleeplessness, constipation, acidity, gas, etc., are responsible for headache, take treatment prescribed in the present book. Given below are the details of food items which can treat headache:

Water : If headache is due to catarrh, immersing the feet in hot water provides relief. If the cause is high blood pressure put wet pads on the head.

Eucalyptus oil : It is available at Chemists shops. If the cause of the headache is catarrh apply the oil on the forehead and smell it. Provides quick relief.

Lemon : Lemon tea is useful in headache, Crush lemon tree leaves and smell them. The patients who have chronic headache should take this treatment. It provides a lasting cure. Smelling dry lemon tree leaves and drinking tea prepared from those leaves has a miraculous effect.

Apple : Taking a salted apple every day for 20-25 days is beneficial in headache. Take one or two salted apples in the morning on empty stomach. Chew the apples well. Follow it with hot water or hot milk.

Coconut : Eating dry coconut with sugar candy before sunrise provide relief from headache.

Carrots : Mixed juice of carrots (185 gms), beetroot (150 gms.) cures headache.

Tamarind : The headache caused by heat can be cured by taking tamarind water twice a day. Soak the tamarind in water, mash it and mix sugar before taking it.

Phalsa : phalsa syrup is beneficial in the headache caused by the disorders of bile.
Onion : If the headache is because of hot wind and heat – stroke, apply onion paste to soles of the feet, which is in fact beneficial in all types of headache. Smelling at cut onion also relieves headache.

Garlic : In all types of headache including the migraine, application of onion paste on the temples, provides relief. The application of garlic paste may cause blisters on the skin. It is therefore, advisable to be cautious while applying it. After a little while the spot should be cleaned and washed. If it is migraine, put two drops of garlic juice in the nostril of the side affected by migraine. Eat two cloves of garlic every two hours followed by a glass of water.

Black gram : Prepare a paste from soaked black gram and apply it on the forehead. It will provide relief from the headache caused by heat.

Clarified butter : Massaging the soles with clarified butter at bed – time provide relief from the headache which develop all of a sudden.

Mustard oil : If the headache is due to cold, taking bath with cold water or walking in cold winds, apply mustard oil in the nose, ears, navel and soles. It will provide relief.

Tea : When the headache is due to cold and is marked with sneezing and a running nose, taking tea is beneficial.

Aniseed : Chew a tsp. of aniseed followed by milk. It is beneficial in headache. Chronic patients should use it daily.

Wheat : Sprinkle wheat flour on live coal and smell at it and take the fumes in. It cures the headache caused by cold, catarrh, chronic coryza, sinusitis and the one which grows severe with the rising sun. Smell and inhale the fumes of wheat flour for three minutes every day in the morning and evening. Old headache considered to be incurable will get cured.

Gwat – patha : Take some pulp out of gwar – patha, knead it with wheat flour and prepare two batis. After baking them, press them with your hand and immerse in clarified butter. Eat them early in the morning before sunrise and go to sleep. This treatment if taken for 5-7 days will cure any type of chronic headache.

Gram : Eating motichur ladoos with clarified butter and black pepper will cure the headache caused by weakness.

Cloves : (1) Application of the paste of cloves on the forehead provides immediate relief from headache. Clove – oil is also effective.

(2) Boil five cloves in a cup of water. When the water is reduced to half, mix sugar and drink it. Take it twice for few days in the evening and before bed – time to get relief from headache.

Asafoetida : If the headache is due to cold, dissolve some asafoetida in water and apply it on forhead.

Black pepper : Burn a corn of black pepper attached to a needle and inhale its fumes. It also cures the headache caused by wind.

Mint leaves : Application of the paste of mint leaves on the forehead and temples is beneficial in headache.

Coriander — Headache caused by heat : (1) Soak overnight coriander seeds (10 gms. ), dry amla (5 gms.) in a glass of water in an earthen pot. In the morning mash the ingredients well and strain and drink after adding sugar candy to it. It is beneficial ion headache.

(2) Application of coriander paste to the forehead is especially beneficial in headache caused by the excess of bile.

Salt : (1) Put a pinch of salt on the tongue, follow it with a glass of water after minutes; It will provide unexpectedly great relief.

Initially, it will cause a little burning. But the pain will subside soon. If the headache is due to catarrh, grind the ginger in a little water and then apply to the forehead.

Cardamom : Application of cardamom paste on the forehead relieves headache.

Cassia leaves : Application of slightly warm paste of cassia leaves on the forehead will provide relief from all types of headache caused by cold or heat.

Nutmeg : If the headache is due to cold, apply nutmeg paste on the forehead. It will be beneficial

 Cinnamon : Application of cinnamon paste on the forehead and temples will be beneficial.

Basil Leaves : Taking powder of basil leaves dried in the shade. Smell it for sometime. It will provide relief from pain and pacify the excitement of madness. The juice of basil leaves mixed with lemon juice in equal quantity relief headache.

Water – melon : Taking  a glass of water- melon juice mixed with sugar candy in the morning. It is beneficial if the headache has been caused by heat.

Clay : Putting wet clay pads on the forehead  provide relief from headache.


This is a severe type of pain and is usually on one side of the head. The youth between the age of 14-22, especially young women, suffer from it and in several cases it goes upto middle age. It starts from one part of the head and spreads to one side or occasionally to the whole of the head and neck. It is a disease inherited from paternal side.

 Causes : Emotionally charged mental state, physical exhaustion, anger, anxiety, tried eyes, food – related disorders, dyspepsia, allergic condition, etc. Are  the main reason for migraine.

Symptoms : As you rise from bed in the morning you feel giddy. There is darkness before the eyes or flashes seem to appear in the dark. Besides, the patient feels sickness of stomach and nausea. After it, there is a piercing pain in the temples. The pain starts in the opposite side of the eye which is overtaken by darkness. The pain spreads gradually and gains severity Movement, light and noise make it worse. Vomiting provides some relief. After 2-4 hours the pain begins to subside. The pupil of the eye on the painful side often gets dilated. At last, the patient falls asleep and when he wakes up the pain has disappeared. In this way, it takes a day for the patient to recover. The patient’s face appears to be dull. The bouts of pain last for years. After middle age, their frequency is reduced and gradually it stops. Migraine gains or loses severity with the cycle of the sun.

Treatment : Often wrapping the head, using cold pads, retiring to a quiet place and sleep provide relief. Giving a massage to the head quickly reduces the pain. The patient should avoid over- exertion, constipation and dyspepsia. items fried in oil or clarified butter, meat, tea and coffee should not be consumed. Do not over – strain the eyes. Regular use of the following food items is beneficial for patients of migraine :

Grapes : A cup of grape juice taken in the morning before sunrise provide relief from migraine.

Milk : If the severity of the pain in migraine increases or lessens with the cycle of the sun, Take jalbis with hot milk or rabri before sunrise.

Curd : (1) If the pain increases with the ascendancy of the sun, eat rice and curd in the morning before sunrise.

(2) You could take curd, rice and sugar candy – all mixed together. It provides relief from migraine.

Clarified butter : If the pain increases or decreases with sunrise, smell clarified butter in the morning and evening. It the headache is because of heat then massage the head with normal clarified butter, otherwise use hot clarified butter.

Asafoetida : Dissolve asafoetida in water and smell it. It relief pain Also apply the solution on the forehead.

Salt : Mix half tsp. of salt with half tsp. of honey and lick it. It will provide great relief..

Dried ginger powder: Grind dry ginger in a little water and heat it. Apply it on the forehead. Also smell it. It will provide relief from migraine and other types of headache.

Mustard oil : It is beneficial in migraine. Put 8 drops of mustard oil in the nostril on the painful side and inhale the smell. It relief migraine. Do it for five days.

Jaggery : If the pain increases or decreases with sunrise, eat 12 gms. of jaggery with 6 gms. of clarified butter.

Black pepper : Chew 12 gms. of black pepper and follow it with 30 gms. of clarified butter. It will provide relief from migraine.

Honey : (1) If the pain begins with sunrise and subsides with sunset, put a drop of honey in the nostril other than the one on the painful side. It will relieve pain.

(2) In case there is a sudden spurt in the migraine pain, the patient vomits, feels relieved after vomiting and it happens frequently, take 2 tsp. of honey with meals regularly. It will check the pain. If the pain develops suddenly, taking 2 tsp. of honey on that occasion will provide relief.

Basil Leaves : Licking powder of basil leaves with honey in the morning and evening is beneficial.
