Cleanliness Of The Teeth How to Cure Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy
Given below are the recipes for homemade tooth powders which not only clean the teeth but also cure some general ailments of the teeth.
Cassia leaves : Grind dry cassia leaves in to a fine powder. Use this powder to massage your teeth with, every third day. It will make the teeth bright.
Turmeric :Mix 5 gms. of roasted alum salt with 50 gms. of turmeric powder. Massage your gums and teeth with it daily. It will prevent bleeding and toothache. It will cleanse the teeth and make them strong.
Lemon : Grind dry lemon rind into a fine powder and use it as a tooth- powder. It will cleanse the teeth and check foul breath. Massage the teeth with lemon juice mixed with salt and mustard oil daily . It will make them strong and cure almost all dental ailments. Cleaning the teeth with small pieces of lemon rind will make them bright. If the teeth have become yellowish and the gums have become weak and blackish, apply on the gums and teeth half tsp. of salt mixed with 5 drop of lemon juice in the morning before cleaning the teeth. Rinse after five minutes. Then clean the teeth with tooth – powder. Do not brush the gums because brushing makes them loose. To make the teeth bright apply glycerine and then rinse with warm water.
Neem : Burn a dry branch of neem with leaves and turn it into ash. Grind it and use it as a tooth powder. For taste and fragrance, add cloves, mint and salt. It cures pyorrhea and makes the teeth strong. It is beneficial to brush the teeth with a neem stick.
Harad : Massaging the teeth with barad powder cleanses them.
Almonds : (1) Burn almond shells and keep them under cover for a day. Grind them the following day mix one – fifth part of alum salt with it and again grind. Used as a tooth powder, it will cleanse the teeth and cure almost all dental ailments.
(2) Prepare a tooth powder with the ash of burnt almond shells and add rock salt to it. It will make the teeth strong. You can add rock salt and alum salt to the ash of almond shells.
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