Squint Strabismus Eyes How to Cure Relief What are Causes Symptoms Diet Treatment Therapy
Squint is the uncoordinated action of the eyeball, so that the visual axes of the two eyes fail to meet at the objective point. Squint can be corrected by practicing looking straight and in a coordinated way. For this, use spectacles without power. Paint the glasses black leaving a circular spot at the centre unpainted. Put the spectacles on and try to see with the squinted eye through unpainted portion in the glass. It will rectify the squint.
Watching the Finger : I t is an easy way of curing squint. Place the index finger of the right hand on the fore part of the nose and try to look at it with both eyes. Turn the finger towards the right temple and again look at its tip with both eyes. Turn the finger towards the right temple and again look at its with both eyes. Bring it back between the eyebrow and try to look at it. Then move it towards the left temple and look at it. Repent the exercise exercise several It help in straightening the nerves and veins of the eyes. While looking at the tip of the finger repeatedly blink the eyes. The patients who have eye ailments should not take salt, red chillies, sour things and oil.
Common causes of Eye Diseases : Gazing at thing minutely or gazing at glaring things or dazzling light for a long time, awakening late nights, sorrow, anger, too much of sex, overuse of intoxicants and lack of energy – giving nutritious food are the factors that cause eye diseases. Treatment through the food, mentioned below, will cure eye diseases and will be beneficial in keeping the eyes naturally healthy.
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