Dental Diseases How to Cure Causes Symptoms Diet Remedies Treatment Therapy
People these days develop problem of the teeth at early age. The main reason is that man in the initial stages used to eat hard substances which gave ample exercise to the teeth and gums. But today’s man eats easy to chew, cooked and soft food which does not require much dental exercise. These days the use of sugar, biscuits, toffees, chocolate, ice- cream and ice has increased a great deal. These items are responsible to some extent, for the decay of the teeth.
The teeth of some children are very and yellowish from childhood. The chief reason is during pregnancy the mother did not get full nutrition. Pregnant women should take milk and calcium regularly. The child will have healthy teeth.
For the protection of the teeth it is essential to clean them well after eating something so that the food particles trapped between the teeth can be cleaned out. Meals should be taken with patience and after thorough chewing.
The health of the body depends upon the health of the teeth. Bad teeth are due to a bad stomach. Anyone suffering from constipation, dyspepsia and lack of appetite affects the teeth. It is, therefore, advisable to take treatment for the stomach while taking treatment for the teeth. Sugar and sweet food are harmful for the teeth. Sugar sticks to the teeth and leads to decay. Therefore, whenever you eat something rub the gums and teeth with your finger properly and rinse your month. A little precaution will keep the teeth healthy for life.
Milk : Milk (Except for mother’s milk) spoil the teeth of children at an early stage. The diseases of the teeth begin at an early age. Children who are not fed on mother’s milk during infancy develop more dental problem than those who have been suckled by their mother.
Children subsisting on milk diet get used to sugar because of its presence in milk. They prefer taking only sweet things till the age of three – four years but this habit, later, spoils their teeth. If proper care is taken in this direction from the very beginning, the child will have strong teeth and they will not get spoilt easily. Actually, the sugar mixed in milk is responsible for the infection teeth in children. Therefore, they should be given milk without sugar.
Lemon : Squeeze a lemon in fresh water and rinse your mouth. It will provide relief to the teeth. Rub the skin of the lemon on the teeth. It will make them clean, beautiful and bright.
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