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Showing posts from August 5, 2013

Naukasana Boat Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Naukasana (Boat Posture) Lie down on your back. Raise the arms and head obliquely and keep the open palms close to each other and the thumbs intertwined. Now raise the legs up above the ground. Keep them stiff and held together. The palms and the feet should be at the same height from the ground so that the posture looks like a boat. The posture is to be performed with the breath retained in While exhaling return to the normal position. Benefits:-It cures belching and hiccups; tones up small and large interstines.

Padanamaskarasana Back-rolling Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padanamaskarasana (Back-rolling Posture) Sit down with sole placed together and held by the hands. Inhale and retain the breath. Now take your head back with a jerk along with the hands and feet to touch the ground with the head and posture of Namaskar, i.e. the head, hands and feet touching the ground in front of you. Rock backwards and forwards quickly in succession four or five times. Benefits:-It reduces the belly and improves digestion.

Dvipada-nasagrasparshasana Toes-touching-nose Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Dvipada-nasagrasparshasana (Toes-touching-nose Posture) Sit on the ground. Inhale and hold the breath. Hold the toes or soles with the hands and bring them towards the head. Lower the head a little and touch the toes with the nose-tip. While exhaling spread the legs on the ground. This posture may be done either with Paranayama or without it Benefits:-It reduces the belly, makes waist flexible and increases appetite.

Padahastaprishthachakrasana Hands-feet-back-circle Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padahastaprishthachakrasana (Hands-feet-back-circle Posture) Bend the legs stand on your knees. Inhale and raise both the hands backwards so that you can hold the heels. Put the weight of the body on the elbows and make a semi-circle. Keep the posture stretching upwards as long as you can. When exhaling, get-up. This posture can be practiced even without Pranayam. Benefits:-It makes the body supple and strong.

Ekapada-grivadandasana One-leg-on-neck Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ekapada-grivadandasana (One-leg-on-neck Posture) Sit straight on the ground. First place the right foot on the back of the neck. Then, place both the palms firmly on the ground. Take the left foot back and stretch it. Raise up the waist, pushing it back a little. Gradually bring forward and raise the head and chest after bending them a little in such a way that the waist lowers down. Both the palms and left foot should remain fixed on the ground. Do this Asana with the other leg also While in this posture practice Dandasana a few times. Benefits:-Neck, chest shoulders and arms are strengthened. The whole body becomes stout and strong. Though a little difficult, this posture is very useful for increasing strength.

Suryanamaskar Sun-salutation Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Suryanamaskar (Sun-salutation Posture) A sequence of twelve postures complete this pose. Stand erect facing east. Join your palms and place them near the chest. Place the feet and heels together and inhale Release the hands and raise the arms up and bend backwards from the waist. The legs, however, should remain straight. Bend forward and place the palms close to the feet. The thumbs should be in straight line with the toes. The legs must remain straight and the head should touch the knees fully. The heels must remain on the ground. Take your right foot back as much as possible. The toes should touch the ground and palms should remain on each side of the left foot. Keep your chest erect and neck slightly tilted back. Gaze at the sky. Take your foot back, placing it close to the right foot. Keep the big toes, heels and knees together. Neck and head should remain in a line. Gaze at the sky. Bend your knees, chest and fore-head and touch the ground with them. The rest of body should be ab

Prishthabadhasana Hands-locked Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Prishthabadhasana (Hands-locked Posture) Sit on the ground. Bend your left knee and place the foot under the left buttock with the sole up. Place on the left side in such in such a way that the heels are brought together. Take the left arm to the back encircling the right knee. Bring the right knee. Bring the right arm around the back from the right side and make a finger lock. Keep the knee straight. Maintain the posture as long as you can. Repeat it on the other side also.  It is a difficult posture; try to master it by gradual practice. Benefits:-All the limbs, especially shoulders, arms and intestines are strengthened.

Padangushtha-sthita-nitambasana Heels-beside-hips Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padangushtha-sthita-nitambasana (Heels-beside-hips Posture) Sit on the ground your legs backwards and place the feet by the side of the hips in such a way that the toes are on the ground and the heels up, Bring the palms together near the chest. Keep head and waist in straight line. Practise Pranayam (inhalation, retention and exhalation). Benefits:-It strengthens legs, knees, feet and toes.

Kapotasana Pigeon Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Kapotasana (Pigeon Posture) Kneel down, bringing the heels and big toes of the feet together. Inserting the arms between the thighs and taking out your hands cover the sole with your palms. Retain the breath and raise the head. While exhailing, lower the head. Benefits:-It strengthens the nerves of chest, neck, hand and feet.

Ekapada-janubadhasana Ankle-thigh Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Ekapada-janubadhasana (Ankle-thigh Posture) Stand erect. Bend your left knee and place the ankle under the right knee. Adopt a half-sitting. Inhale. Raise the arms up over the head placing the palms together. Practise it with the other leg also. Benefits:-It makes all parts of the feet and waist strong.

Prishthapadasthitasana Legs-crossed Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Prishthapadasthitasana (Legs-crossed Posture) Stand erect. Cross the legs so that the knees are one over the other. The ankles should touch the ground and the soles be turned up. Place the palms together and keep them near the chest. Benefits:-It makes knees strong and increases the capacity for walking.

Utthita-dvijanu-shirasparshasana Knee-nose Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Utthita-dvijanu-shirasparshasana (Knee-nose Posture) Sit on the ground with the legs stretched in front. Take your arms to the back of your waist and place the palms on the ground. Exhale. Keeping the legs together raise them up, bring the head forward and touch the knees with the nose. Benefits:- This posture makes neck, chest, stomach, back and spinal cord strong.

Prishtha badha-padangushtha-nasikaspar-shasana Toe-nose Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Prishtha badha-padangushtha-nasikaspar-shasana (Toe-nose Posture) Lie down on the back. Turn your legs so that both the knees touch the ground on either side and the legs are in the armpits. Now lock the knees and waist in your arms. While exhaling, raise the head to touch the nose with the toes. Intertwine the fingers under the waist. Benefits:- As there is great pressure on the stomach, it gradually becomes slim.

Asa Asana Rest or Stay Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Asa Asana (Rest or Stay Posture) Sit and stretch your legs in front of you. Raise the right foot and place its sole in the right armpit. Placing your right elbow firmly on the sole of this very foot, keep the right palm on the right ear. The left foot should be firmly placed on the ground. After this, raise the left knee a little and keep the left palm on it be practiced with the other leg and arm also. Yogis who have to sit for long periods in meditation make use of a stand as a support for their arms and chin. This device is known as Asa or Bairagin. By its use, the yogis do not get tired. This posture is also helpful in relieving the fatigue and serves the purpose of Asa or Bairagin. In the absence of this device, one can rest, without lying down, in this posture. Benefits:-This posture makes the whole body vigorous, especially arms and feet, and is helpful in relieving fatigue.