Suryanamaskar Sun-salutation Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners
Suryanamaskar (Sun-salutation Posture)
A sequence of twelve postures complete this pose.
Stand erect facing east. Join your palms and place them near the chest. Place the feet and heels together and inhale
Release the hands and raise the arms up and bend backwards from the waist. The legs, however, should remain straight.
Bend forward and place the palms close to the feet. The thumbs should be in straight line with the toes. The legs must remain straight and the head should touch the knees fully. The heels must remain on the ground.
Take your right foot back as much as possible. The toes should touch the ground and palms should remain on each side of the left foot. Keep your chest erect and neck slightly tilted back. Gaze at the sky.
Take your foot back, placing it close to the right foot. Keep the big toes, heels and knees together. Neck and head should remain in a line. Gaze at the sky.
Bend your knees, chest and fore-head and touch the ground with them. The rest of body should be above the ground.
Raise your neck and chest in such a way that the upper half of the body upto navel is above the ground, as in the posture is Sarpasana (Snake Pose)
Raising your waist from the ground, place both the heels on the ground and stretch the waist backwards.
Now bring your right forward and place it between the palms with the neck and head raised up. Gaze up and bend the back and waist.
Place your left foot close to the right in such a way that both the thumbs are in line. Bend forward from the waist and place the head on the knees.
Raise your hands and head and swing them backwards.
Now, stand straight with your neck and head erect and place the hands on the sides close to the thighs to assume natural posture.
Benefits:-Back, waist, neck and ears gain strength. Deafness, disorders of the liver, spleen and indigestion are cured as also obesity. Spinal cord is strengthened and becomes flexible.
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