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Showing posts from March 7, 2013

Epilepsy How to Cure Relief What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Diet Therapy Treatment

EPILEPSY It is disease of the brain characterized by unconsciousness, convulsive fits etc. Hands and feet begin to tremble and there is frothing at the mouth.     The patient regains consciousness after some time. During the attack of epilepsy there is an excessive flow of current from nerve cells and there are contractions in the body resulting in the imbalance of the brain. Epilepsy is related to the brain. Countless cells of the brain release innumerable directive waves. Another part of the brain contracts these directive waves and ensures the compliance of only the right directions. When as imbalance occurs in this function, epilepsy takes place. Other factors causing epilepsy include brain injury high fever, meningitis, brain cancer, etc. This disease can strike any one at any age. Symptoms: Epilepsy cam be categorized in several ways according to its symptoms. The two main categories are the ordinary one i. e., petit-mal. The patient usually suffer from a convulsive fit when he i

Exercise for a Thin Waist How to What are

EXERCISE FOR A THIN WAIST To reduce waist-line, lie down straight on your back. Keep the hands on the thighs. Lift the legs 6-7 inches above the ground. Then lift the shoulders also to the same height and keep the legs and shoulders in that position as long as you can conveniently tolerate. Then hands should not touch the ground. Stand straight and keep the feet close together. Put your hands on the back and lift the right leg as much as you can. Do not allow yourself to bend keep the leg straight. Keep it in that position for 4-5 seconds, then bring it down. Do it for ten times. Repeat the exercise with the left leg. Walking makes the hips shapely. Tummy—Using both palms, the distended flesh of the tummy should be pressed sliding the palms from down to upward position. This should be repeatedly done atleast for 10 minutes daily. This method of massage will not allow the accumulation of excess fat in the flesh. Similarly, The excess fat accumulation in the back and legs can be reduced.

How to Loose Weight Loss Reduction What is Diet for Loosing

WEIGHT REDUCTION It is very difficult for overweight persons to lose weight. It is, therefore, advisable not to be overweight. For men70 kg. and for women 60 kg. is the upper limit., Obesity is a curse is a curse and root cause of problems. It is an early invitation to death. Obesity means serious ailments which call for costly check – ups and investigation and high fees to the doctor. If you want a sweet smile on your face and want to have fun in life get rid of extra weight. Do not over – eat. It makes you sick. Abstemious meals mean a long life. Take a spare diet, go for a walk regularly and you will be able to shed weight. Without changing dietary habits, it is very difficult for an overweight person to lose weight. Just taste, do not fill yourself up with food. Increased weight is a call for by – pass surgery. If you want a basic change in your body- weight, take as little of bati, burfi, almonds, vade and biscuits as possible, take regular exercise and go for a walk daily. People

How to Gain Weight

WEIGHT GAIN Sometimes persons having thin body want to put on weight. The use of the following food items over a prolonged period increases weight. Barley: Soak barley in water for 12 hours. Spread them on a sheet on a cot to dry. When they are partially dry, pound them and separate the husk from the grain. You can get barley grain without the husk from the market also. Prepare kheer with a cup of barley grain in milk and daily in the morning. Within a few weeks thin and skinny people gain weight. Banana: Eat two banana daily followed by 250 ml. of hot milk for three months. You will gain weight. Pomegranate: It raises blood level and makes the body strong. Coconut: It enables a person to put on weight. Dried dates: It makes blood, provides strength and enables one to put on weight. Eat dried dates boiled in milk.  Peas: They increase blood and muscle and strengthen the body. Peanuts: Eating a Few peanuts daily helps in gaining weight. Black gram: Eating black gram daal with husk incre

Oedema How to Cure Relief What are Remedies Causes Symptoms Diet Treatment Therapy

OEDEMA Symptoms: Oedema is caused by accumulation of serum in cellular tissue. It is marked by serious swelling. It is demonstrable by the ‘ pitting’ produced by pressure of the finger. It is also a form of waterlogging under the swollen part. The symptoms of oedema are dyspepsia, thirst, night or high fever, debility and dry skin. Oedema in itself is not a disease. It is a symptom of some other disease. Oedema related to cardiac disease, first affects thighs and hands. Hepatic Oedema is marked by swelling on the stomach first. Renal oedema is marked by swelling on the face first. Women usually have swelling on hands, feet and face due to menstrual disturbance. To cure odema it is essential to treat the root-cause of oedema. It is therefore, necessary to first identity its root-cause and then start the treatment. Given below are some common prescriptions: Clearing the bowels by taking a laxative is beneficial in all types of oedems. If the  patient gives up cereals and salt and lives s

Marasmus How to Cure Relief What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Diet Treatment Therapy

MARASMUS Milk : Soak three almonds, grind them and mix with milk. Drinking it is beneficial in marasmus. Mango : Soak the powder of dried raw mangoes, mix with honey. It is good for children. Give a little quantity of it to the child twice daily. It cures marasmus. Tomato: Its use is beneficial in marasmus in children. Juice of red tomatoes given to a child four times a day makes him quite healthy.  Grapes : Give as much grape juice to the sick child as he can take. It should be given twice daily. It will be more beneficial if it is given alternately with tomato juice.

Brain Heat Head How to Cure Relief What are Causes Remedies Symptoms Treatment Therapy Diet

BRAIN HEAT Henna: Application of henna paste removes heat from the body and gives coolness to mind and body. The brain gets cool and peaceful. Basil Leaves : Grind 5 basil leaves and 5 corns of black pepper. Mix it in a glass of water and take it every morning for 21 days. It enables the mind to lose heat and become cool.

Energizing The Memory

ENERGIZING THE MEMORY Memory- power does not increase with medicines— In the universe of commerce, medicines to enhance the memory- power, are sold on the basis of advertisements. In fact, these medicines do little good. Most of such medicines contain more than 50% sugar syrup and the contents are also not pure. Repeated advertisements and publicity create a psychological effect on the minds of the people. The people are advised to beware of such medicines and avoid their use. If these medicines could improve the memory- power, all the rich people would become vigorous and would have a dominating memory. Memory- power can be improved only through concentration, revision of the matter stored in the mind and by remaining healthy and following laws of nature. From health point of view the reasons for a weak memory are physical and mental debility, indulgence in unnatural sexual activity, fickleness and lewdness. The following items for treatment through food are beneficial: Apple: Apples

Vertigo Medical How to Cure Relief What are Causes Remedies Treatment Therapy Diet Symptoms

VERTIGO Lemon: If giddiness of the head has been caused by the disorders of the liver or flatulence, taking warm lemon water will be beneficial. Mix one and a half (1½) tsp. of lemon juice in a cup of warm water. Large raisins: Fry 25 gms. of large raisins in clarified butter, add a little rock salt and eat them. It will bring relief from vertigo. Amla: (1) If giddiness occurs during the summer and you feel restless, drink amla syrup. (2) If you are a teacher, advocate or student or if you do a lot of mental work, you head gets heated and you feel giddy, amla preserve is a panacea. Its daily use in the morning will enhance your intellectual and mental powers. Drink a glass of hot milk after eating amla preserve. Black pepper: Grind black pepper and fry clarified butter. Strain the clarified butter and mix it with wheat flower and prepare halwa by adding jiggery or sugar, also add the fried black pepper powder to it. Eat it daily in the morning and evening before meals. It will provide

Tinnitus How to Cure Relief What are Causes Symptoms Remedies Diet Treatment Therapy

TINNITUS Sometimes there is a whistling sound or ringing in the ears. Mostly it happens at night. If it is not cured, gradually it leads to deafness. Actually, ringing in the ear or other ear noises are considered to be an incurable disease but there is no need to despair. Take the following treatment: Do not pay attention to the ear noises. Eat nutritious food which provides energy to the brain. Garlic: The use of garlic as prescribed for pus in the ear is also beneficial in tinnitus. Mustard oil: Putting drops of warm mustard oil in the ears cures ringing in the ears caused by cold. Dried ginger powder : Mix jiggery and clarified butter with dried ginger powder, heat it and then eat it. It cures rustling noises in the ears.

Deafness How to Cure Relief What are Causes Symptoms Diet Therapy Treatment Remedies

DEAFNESS Garlic: Fry 8 cloves of garlic in 60 ml. of sesame oil, strain the oil and put two drop in the ear daily for some days. It will cure deafness. Basil Leaves: Putting drops of warm juice of basil leaves is beneficial in problems related to loss of hearing. Mustard oil: Putting drops of warm mustard oil into the ear is beneficial in deafness.