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Physical Beauty How to Improve


Beauty is godliness. Efforts to maintain the physical splendor of your body is worship, and living in the society by keeping yourself splendid and handsome is the awareness of the supreme spirit. Handsomeness is attractive and is liked by everyone. The following are some of the useful tips for maintaining your physical beauty.

Harad : Harad is an important beauty aid. 2 tsp. of the harad powder taken with warm water in the night every fourth day extracts toxic matter out of the body. The harad is an alchemic elixir which keeps body active.

Salad : Use of raw vegetables like cabbage, tomatoes, carrots, cucumber, radish, etc.

Turmeric: Chutney made from the raw turmeric, or raw turmeric added in the vegetable, if taken regularly, purifies the blood and brings luster to the skin.

Black Spots: Mix cucumber and tomato juice and apply on the face, it cures the black spots.

Potato: Grind a raw potato and rub it one the body, the body will gain splendor. Boil potatoes in water use this water to wash your body. It gives luster to the skin.

Honey: Apply a coat of honey on the face and let it remain for two hours. Wash it off with lukewarm water. It will brighten up the glow of the face.

Masoor daal: Soak masoor daal in the lime juice day-long grind it and apply the paste on the face during the night before going to bed. Wash off your face in the morning, it will enhance the luster of the face.

Breast (of women): (1) To shape to the breast gone slack, lie straight, take a deep breath and stretch your head backward by slowly lifting the breast part of your body. This exercise is helpful in giving shape to the breast. Do this exercise every morning for ten minutes, month-long on empty stomach.

(2) Make a paste by rubbing coarsely the Gallnut, add a little bit of honey, apply on the breasts, and wash it off after two hours. Massage the breasts with almond oil in the night.

Mustard: Soak equal quantity of mustard and chiraunji in cow milk for two hours. Grind it, head it, and apply the paste on the face in the night. Wash off face the next morning will glow.

Triphala churan: Mix triphala churan with the lime juice, apply on the face, wash off your face after half an hour. The face will glow.

Besan: Mix 2 tsp. turmeric powder, 5 tsp. besan, 2 tsp. mustard oil. Add a little water knead it. Application of this paste on the face adds luster

Orange: Take equal quantity of dried peel of orange and lime, Grind together, add  rose-water in the powder, mix them, and apply the paste on the face. The face will become soft and cold.

Lime: Rub a lime all around the neck, thereafter, massage with raw milk and wash with water. Neck will look clean.

Rose –petals: Make a paste of fresh rose-petals, 5 grains of Chiraunji, add malai. Apply it on the lips. Wash it off after it dries. It will make lips red and shaped. Lips will also get cured.

Sandal-wood: Mix sandal-wood, sawdust and milk, add paste obtained by rubbing nutmeg. Blend it and apply on the face while going to bed. Wash off your face the next morning. It will remove black spots on the face.

Coconut oil: Squeeze lemon in the coconut oil and massage your body with it. This supplements the natural oil deficiency of the skin and the body gets toned up.

Cocount milk: Blend besam, turmeric powder, and coconut milk, and rub it on and off the skin.  Take a hot bath followed by a cold bath. For making coconut milk, grate a fresh and raw coconut and add water. Strain it after one hour to obtain the coconut milk.

Skin diseases are caused by the stomach heat. We should eat lime and onion to maintain the balance of stomach heat. To bring splendour on the skin, soak moong daal in water, grind it when it becomes tender, add dry orange peel powder and a little bit of malai. It is a fine paste. Use it on the face and other parts of the body before taking bath.


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