Exercise for a Thin Waist How to What are


To reduce waist-line, lie down straight on your back. Keep the hands on the thighs. Lift the legs 6-7 inches above the ground. Then lift the shoulders also to the same height and keep the legs and shoulders in that position as long as you can conveniently tolerate. Then hands should not touch the ground.

Stand straight and keep the feet close together. Put your hands on the back and lift the right leg as much as you can. Do not allow yourself to bend keep the leg straight. Keep it in that position for 4-5 seconds, then bring it down. Do it for ten times. Repeat the exercise with the left leg. Walking makes the hips shapely.

Tummy—Using both palms, the distended flesh of the tummy should be pressed sliding the palms from down to upward position. This should be repeatedly done atleast for 10 minutes daily. This method of massage will not allow the accumulation of excess fat in the flesh. Similarly, The excess fat accumulation in the back and legs can be reduced.
