Oedema How to Cure Relief What are Remedies Causes Symptoms Diet Treatment Therapy
Symptoms: Oedema is caused by accumulation of serum in cellular tissue. It is marked by serious swelling. It is demonstrable by the ‘ pitting’ produced by pressure of the finger. It is also a form of waterlogging under the swollen part. The symptoms of oedema are dyspepsia, thirst, night or high fever, debility and dry skin. Oedema in itself is not a disease. It is a symptom of some other disease. Oedema related to cardiac disease, first affects thighs and hands. Hepatic Oedema is marked by swelling on the stomach first. Renal oedema is marked by swelling on the face first. Women usually have swelling on hands, feet and face due to menstrual disturbance.
To cure odema it is essential to treat the root-cause of oedema. It is therefore, necessary to first identity its root-cause and then start the treatment. Given below are some common prescriptions:
Clearing the bowels by taking a laxative is beneficial in all types of oedems. If the patient gives up cereals and salt and lives solely on milk, he gets well without losing much time. With any type of treatment it will be beneficial to take milk, fruit, green vegetable, parwal, brinjal, green gram daal and bathing with hot water. Homeopathic medicine has proved to be much more successful than other medicines in the treatment of oedema.
Ash: Burn dried cow-dung cakes and turn into ash. Apply some ash on the swollen part and tie it with a bandage. It will absorb water and reduce swelling.
Banana: It is beneficial in all types of oedems.
Pineapple: In case of oedema accompanied by micturition and albumin oases through urine, the liver is enlarged, the patient suffers from dyspepsia and there is swelling near the etes and on the face, eat ripe pineapple daily and subsist only on milk. Take this treatment for three weeks. It will bring relief.
Turmeric: (1) Take a tsp. of turmeric powder in hot milk with sugar added to it to taste once daily. It is beneficial in oedema. Take this treatment for a few weeks.
(2) Taking ¼ tsp. of turmeric powder with water regularly brings relief from oedema.
Potato: Cut 250 gms. of potatoes and boil in½ litre of water. Foment the swollen parts with it and apply potato paste on them. It brings relief from swelling caused by injury.
Cumin seeds: Grind cumin seeds and sugar in equal quantity and take a tsp. of it thrice regularly. It will bring relief from oedema.
Water: Fomenting the affected parts with cold and hot water alternately brings relief from oedema. Foment first for three minutes with hot water and then with cold water for one minute.
Dates: It cures oedema.
Carrots: Boil 2 tsp. Of carrot seeds in a glass of water and drink it. It is diuretic and beneficial in oedema and diseases of the kidney.
Wheat : Boil wheat and foment the swollen part with the boiled hot water. It water. It reduces the swelling.
Black pepper: Grind black pepper, mix it with a little quantity of milk. It is useful for oedema in children.
Red chilli: Heat 125 gms. red chilli powder in 375 gms. mustard oil. Remove it from the stove when it boils, strain it and apply the oil on the swollen part.
Salt: Fomentation with salted hot water is beneficial in swelling caused by injury.
Dried ginger powder: Taking 12 gms. of dried ginger powder with jiggery reduces swelling.
Barley: Boil a cup of barley in 1 litre of water, allow it to cool down and drink it. It is beneficial in oedema to take the juice of water- melon seeds. It is good for the kidneys. It reduces the swelling around ankles. How to prepare it: Water –melon seeds should be first dried in the shade and then ground. Put 3 tsp. of the ground seeds in boiling water and allow them to soak for an hour. Strain it and drink it. Take four doses daily.
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