Clear Eyesight How to get What is Diet
Eyesight becomes weak because of watching horror movies, anxiety, headache, dandruff and excessive sexual activity. Anxiety and mental tension are especially responsible for weak eyesight Do not go for spectacles as soon as you find that your eyesight has become weak. Relax. Try to improve your eyesight. To improve the eyesight softly massage the area around the eyes with your fingers. Do not use any oil. Before going to bed massage the forehead with clarified butter.
Sun Rays : At sunrise, stand before the sun and cover your eyes with your finger in such a way that sun rays filter through them and touch your eyes. Do this for ten minutes. Then wash your eyes with cold water and massage your face. Similarly, when the sun is not very bright in the evening, sit down facing the sun and close your eyes and move the upper part of your body from left to right and right to left. Do it for twenty minutes daily. Then wash the eyes with cold water. It provides relief to the eyes and protection from several disease.
The Moon : On the full- moon night look at the moon for fifteen minutes.
Close the eyes and splash cold water on them several times during the day. Fold a piece of clean cloth four times, soak in cold water and put it on the eyes. Remove it when it gets warm. Repeat it several times in a day. It will keep the eyes healthy. It is beneficial in all types of eye ailments.
Cauliflower : Its juice strengthens the eyes.
Parwal : This vegetable is beneficial for the eyes in several diseases.
Amla : If the vision gets blurred taking amla juice mixed with water in the morning and evening for four days will be beneficial.
Onion : (1) The whiteness on the pupil of the eye is known as cataract. Soak a cotton wick in onion juice and left it dry. Burn it in sesame oil and prepare kajal. Apply it in eyes daily. It will cure also be used as eye drops to improve the eyesight. It is a proven formula.
(2) Its regular use improves the eyesight. Put a few drops of onion juice in the eyes. It cures dimness of sight, pteryglum and cataract. It is a proven medicine.
Milk : Fresh unboiled strained milk with sugar candy or honey and mixed with water in which 20 raisins have been soaked overnight taken the for forty days improves the eyesight.
Ber : I t has in essence a cooling effect on the eyes, purifies blood and improves the eyesight
Tomato : Tomatoes are beneficial for patients of short- sightedness.
Carrots : Take mixed juice of carrots and spinach (125 gms. each). It improves the eyesight.
Wheat : Taking the juice of wheat shoots improves the eyesight.
Clarified butter : (1) Take clarified butter prepared from cow milk alongwith sugar candy to improve the eyesight. Clarified butter is beneficial for the eyes.
(2) Grind 10 corns of black pepper, mix with a tsp. of hot clarified butter and take it in the morning. It improves the eyesight. If this treatment is taken over a prolonged period, it restores the eyesight and there is no need spectacles.
Mustard oil : Massaging the soles of the feet with mustard oil improves the eyesight.
Almonds : Soak 10 almonds with 12 gms. butter and sugar candy. To improve the eyesight it should be taken for a month or two. Grind 7 almonds alongwith 10 gms. each of sugar candy and aniseed and take it with hot milk before going to bed for forty days. It improves the eyesight. Do not take water after it throughout the night. I t will obviate the need of spectacles.
Aniseed : (1) Taking aniseed after meals improves the eyesight.
(2) Mix half tsp. of ground aniseeds with a tsp. of sugar and take it with milk. It will improve the eyesight.
Black pepper : (1) Mix clarified butter with black pepper powder and sugar candy and lick. It improves the eyesight.
(2) Mix black pepper powder with clarified butter and put it in the open in the moonlit night. Take half tsp. of it daily.
Coriander : Grind coriander leaves alone or with amla and eat it. It strengthens the eyes and improves the eyesight.
Green grass : Walking barefoot on the green grass in the morning improves the eyesight.
Lemon : Mix 9 parts of honey of smaller bees, one part each of the juice of ginger, lemon and onions, strain and put one drop into each eye morning and evening daily. Prolonged treatment will cure cataract. If you mix 12 ml. of rose water with it, it will improve the eyesight and obviate the need for spectacles.
Spinach : Its juice improves the eyesight.
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