Steam Bath What are Benefits How to take


Steam-bath enhances the beauty of face it also proves useful in the treatment of boils, pimples, spot etc. Heat some water to the boiling point, in a wide-mouthed pan. Add a spoon of glycerine in the boiling water. Wash your face lukewarm water followed by a wash with normal cold water. Wipe your face gently with a clean towel. Now massage the face with plain unsalted butter. The fingers should move from downwards to upwards direction. The cheeks and chin should be massaged using the tips of fingers making circular motions.

When the butter applied on the face melts, bend your face towards pan and start using the steam of the boiling water. Cover your head, face and the pan with a large towel so that the steam does not escape. Keep yourself in this position for 5-10 minutes. When your face becomes sweaty, remove the towel and wipe it with a dry towel. After 5 minutes, sprinkle ice-cold water on your face, apply cold cream on face and lightly massage with the palm. Again wash your face after half an hour and wipe. 

Do not use sop. Eacing the mirror, you will notice the freshness and splendor on your face. The steam cleanses the face, opens up the month of the boils and pimples and extracts the filth out.

 This method leaves no spots or marks on the face. To get rid off the pimples, take steam bath at nights. Apply the mixture of lime and coconut oil lightly on the face with the lukewarm water. The pimples will disappear in few days.

 Extracting the pimples by pressing with fingers leaves scars/ spots on the face. The pimples are caused by constipation or other stomach disorders, therefore, one must be careful about one’s eating habits.

 Salt: Mix salt in the ginger juice and anoint your face with it, before going to bed. Wash your face in the morning with lukewarm water. Take a glass of carrot/ cucumber juice etc. according to the season. It will keep your face free from pimples.

To remove the scars and black spots left by the pimples, apply juice of fresh lime on the face. Mix few drops of lime juice in a little bit of fresh milk cream. Massage the face for 5-6 minutes. Wash your face and wipe, it increases the blood circulation on the face. Face becomes radiant and the spots become lighter. The spots can also become lighter by applying the paste of chiraunji  and cucumber juice.

Taking a glass of fresh lime juice daily, also cleanses the stomach, which in turn cures pimples. Paste of the bark of the neem tree, (Prepared by rubbing the bark like a piece of sandal-wood), if applied on the boils and pimples, dries them. Soak some amla powder in a glass of water, at night. In the morning wash your face by rubbing it over your face.
