How to Loose Weight Loss Reduction What is Diet for Loosing
It is very difficult for overweight persons to lose weight. It is, therefore, advisable not to be overweight. For men70 kg. and for women 60 kg. is the upper limit., Obesity is a curse is a curse and root cause of problems. It is an early invitation to death. Obesity means serious ailments which call for costly check – ups and investigation and high fees to the doctor. If you want a sweet smile on your face and want to have fun in life get rid of extra weight. Do not over – eat. It makes you sick. Abstemious meals mean a long life. Take a spare diet, go for a walk regularly and you will be able to shed weight. Without changing dietary habits, it is very difficult for an overweight person to lose weight. Just taste, do not fill yourself up with food. Increased weight is a call for by – pass surgery. If you want a basic change in your body- weight, take as little of bati, burfi, almonds, vade and biscuits as possible, take regular exercise and go for a walk daily.
People who do not do much physical exertion need 1500 to 2000 calories a day through food to compensate for the daily loss of calories but it has been noticed most people take 3000 to 4000 Calories a day which leads to accumulation of fat in the body and obesity.
Obesity is caused by the accumulation of fat in the body. If you want to lose weight, do not take fats and carbohydrates. Obesity leads to high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis and makes walking difficult.
Causes : The use of fatty substances like meat, clarified butter, rice, potatoes, fried foods, sweets, granular sugar, bananas, grapes and oily foods leads to obesity. Oversleeping during the day, lack of proper physical exercise, frequent eating and indigestion also cause obesity. Lack of proper menstruation among women also leads to obesity.
To tackle obesity, take frugal meals. Instead of big meals take fruit and vegetable, take water an hour after meals and take cold baths. Do adequate physical work and occasionally observe a fast. To reduce weight it is advisable not to eat to your fill, rather leave the dining table before the feeling of satiety occurs. Doctors often advise that one should listen to music or read a book while eating to divert your attention from food.
It would be better not to take meals of any type except fruit for a few days. Do not partake of clarified butter, sugar rice and sweets.
For a shapely and beautiful body and shedding obesity related ugliness:
(1) Take balanced and healthful food that will bring internal purification and expel toxins from the body.
(2) Expel the toxins in the body through stool, urine and sweating. For this, tackle constipation and take more of diuretic substances and liquids for increased flow of urine. Allow the body to sweat out the toxins.
(3) Take long and deep breaths to inhale more of oxygen and destroy toxins in the body.
(4) Take exercise regularly. It makes the body shapely and beautiful and then depletes the accumulation of fat from certain parts of the body.
(5) Massage the body well with oil. Take special care of the particular parts of body where fat has accumulated.
(6) Relaxation: Allow the body and mind to relax completely. It removes tension and improves blood circulation and expels toxins from the body.
(7) Both overweight men and women should do skipping on empty stomach or five hours after meals.
(8) Scientists lay stress on the intake of calcium instead of exercises or dieting to become slim and thin. Calcium releases a kind of hormone which maintains balance between the metabolism and blood-circulation. It burns the calories and the excess weight automatically reduces. Calcium intake in the food should be increased.
Know the correct weight: The ideal weight of an adult should be according to his height, that is a kilogram to an inch. The weight of an adult of five feet should be 60 kg.
Obesity makes one look unshapely and ugly. The buttocks and hips of women generally become large and heavy. The buttocks become heavy because of the lack of proper movement. The muscles also lose their flexibility for want of movement. They lose their shape and begin to expand outwardly. The buttocks not only become heavy also become extra large. They can get enlarged even without the consumption of fat.
You can keep the body fit and remaining active and taking proper nutritious diet. For a fit and shapely body, exercise is necessary, Go for a brisk walk daily for half an hour and take some exercise. Skipping is also a good exercise. Take exercise regularly for 15 minutes daily.
Waking : One should not lose weight in one go, it should be done gradually. Walking 3 miles in an hour every day is a good way to reduce 1 kg. of weight in a month.
Bitter gourd: Take the juice of bitter gourd with lemon every morning to shed weight.
Vegetable and Fruits: Vegetable and fruits are low calory foods, therefore, eat more of them. Banana and cheeku increase the weight, hence do not eat them. Do not add salt to fruits and vegetables for taste. Reduce the salt intake to the minimum. Also do not consume sugar, oily and fatty substances like clarified butter, butter and sweet potato.
Tea: To reduce weight take tea with mint leaves added to it.
Salt: Take salt – free food to lose weight. It is quite helpful.
Massage: If you have a bulging belly, give a massage to your body and do sit-ups every day. Skipping also reduces the bulge in the belly.
Lemon: (1) Squeeze a lemon into a glass of warm water, add rock salt to taste and drink it in the morning every day for two months. It will be beneficial in reducing weight. It is much more helpful in the summer.
(2) Squeeze a lemon into a glass of warm water and add 2 tsp. of honey to it. Take it daily for months to shed obesity.
(3) Spinach juice with lemon also helps in reducing fatness.
Gram : Eating soaked gram daal with honey daily in the morning helps in shedding obesity.
Tomato: For persons who are overweight and take regular exercise and practice yoga, tomatoes are beneficial because they are a great help in expelling foreign matter or substances and food trapped in the intestines from the body. If you take raw red tomatoes with salt and onion daily, it will certainly reduce fatness gradually.
Curd: It is beneficial for those who want to shed obesity.
Butter milk: Drinking butter milk with black salt and the powder of caraway seeds helps in reducing fatness.
Basil Leaves: Mix the juice of basil leaves and honey in a cup of water and drink it daily. It will help in reducing fatness.
Potato: Potatoes in themselves do not increase weight. But when they are fried and spices are added to them, they certainly increase fatness. It is therefore recommended that potatoes should be taken either boiled or roasted. They are beneficial and safe.
Kulthi: Eat 100 gms. kulthi daal daily to reduce fatness.
Juice: To shed obesity, take only juice or fruit once in a week and no other food like roti and milk.
Long pepper: Grind four pieces of long pepper and mix with ½ tsp. of honey and lick it daily. It is beneficial in reducing obesity.
Take as per requirement two or seasonal fruit, salad leaves, radish, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage, ginger, green chillies, coriander leaves, lemon, soaked Bengal gram, black pepper and rock salt.
Method: Wash the salad leaves and cabbage leaves and spread them in the salad tray. Cut the fruit and place on the leaves. Slice the tomatoes and shred radish, carrots and ginger and put them on the fruit and also add soaked Bengal gram and coriander leaves and green chillies cut finely into small pieces. Squeeze a lemon and sprinkle black pepper powder and rock salt. You will have a very tasty and nutritious- rich salad. Take it with meals or with the afternoon tea or eat it without meals in the evening. It should be chewed properly.
Those who want to shed the bulge in the belly or fatness of the back and thighs, should eat only salad in the evening for meals. They may also take tomato and spinach soup with it. Watch your weight and see the difference after 40 days. It is a very good device to reduce as much fat as you wish. Though you will reduce fatness gradually but it is a sure and proven remedy.
Mixed juice: Take lemon juice in hot water in the morning. Follow it with mixed juice of carrots (12 oz.) and spinach (4 oz). It is beneficial in reducing obesity.
Water: (1) Fat people should always take lukewarm water in plenty. If you take a glass of lukewarm water before meals. You will not be able to consume much food. If you take this treatment for two months, it will help in reducing fatness. you should boil three glasses of water daily and add a pinch of salt to it. Take a glass of it in the morning on empty stomach, another in the afternoon and the third one before bed- time.
(2) Take a glass of as much hot water as you can tolerate after meals.
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