Wrinkles On The Face How to Cure Relief What are Symptoms Remedies Causes Diet Treatment Therapy
Some people develop wrinkles on the face at an early age. Such wrinkles can be reduced with a little bit of efforts. One needs to exercise. Some of the simple exercises are given below.
The wrinkles generally appear on the cheeks. Pronouncing ‘E-O’ loudly is helpful in making the cheeks strong. First of all, wide open your mouth, pronounce E and stretch your lips as good as possible, thereafter pronouncing O let the cheeks squeeze inward. Repeat this process many a times.
Spread small bits of shredded paper on the table, and try to blow up these bits with your mouth as far as possible. Blowing exercise will bring tension to your cheeks, which is helpful to cure wrinkles.
Fill your mouth with water, do not drink it, retain in the mouth try swelling your cheeks one by one. Repeat this process every morning while cleaning your mouth and face.
Like swelling with water, try to do this exercise with air intake. Try swelling your cheeks turn by turn. This exercise is quite effective
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