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Showing posts from June 8, 2013

Moldavite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

This green stone does not originate from Mother Earth, but was brought to this planet by meteorite showers, especially in the province of Bohemia, Czech Republic. Because of its extraterrestrial heritage Moldavite is a stone that contains very special and specific healing powers. It protects against grave diseases like cancer and AIDS and may also be used as a therapeutic stone when one has been affected by these illnesses. Next to that Moldavite strengthens the immune system, the bone-marrow and the blood. It provides its wearer with more energy and happiness. Meteorites, like Moldavite, have been considered as symbols of Divine power, the Mother Goddess Cybele was honoured as a black meteorite stone, and the stone of Kaaba in Mecca is an example of this. These stones were considered a gift from the Divine. In magic meteorites may be used for protection and astral travels and -protection.  

Malachite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Malachite strengthens the eye sight, use in case of sprains, oedema, Malachite gets rid of excessive fluids and use when you have pain in your joints. Menstruation problems, like irregularity and pains, strengthens the heart, in case of asthma, arthritis and rheumatism, cholera, colic, wounds and poisoning. Against glaucoma, for glands, against infections, can cure cancer in the early stages, against mycosis, for the throat, and against radiation. Use in case of sickness of the uterus, prostate, against obesity and cellulite. Malachite stimulates business success, protects its wearer on their travels and protects against negativity and danger.  

Magnetite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

In case of neuralgia, shingles, hernia, sciatica, lumbago, tendonitis, neck pains, lower back pain, stiff knees and radiating pains. Use in case of anemia and heavy menstruation. It promotes healing after illness. But it also relieves pain in general and especially rheumatism and arthritis. Magnetite is used in magic for money spells, love spells and to attract good luck.  

Magnesite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Magnesite is a cooling stone, use when you have the flu or a head cold, good for the nervous system, for bladder, against colic, for brain and cholesterol, against gall stones, for intestines, heart, vicarious veins, equilibrium, kidneys, prostate, tuberculosis, teeth, uterus, against fears and depressions. Use in case of problems of the bronchial tubes, asthma, against obesity and strengthens the will to lose weight, stimulates the metabolism. For problems of the bones and joints, arthritis and blood.  

Lepidolite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

For skin and connective tissue, rectum, back muscles, against forgetfulness, for healthy sleep, manic depression and schizophrenia. Lepidolite is also called 'The Dream Stone', it helps you remember your dreams and protects against nightmares. Lepidolite has another nickname: 'The Peace Stone'; it tempers anger, hatred and other negative emotions and promotes peace.  

Leopard Skin Jasper Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

This   Jasper   variety is a reddish beige with spots that remind us of the skin of the leopard. This stone alleviates and heals gall colics, kidney stone colics and bladder cramps because it has a positive influence on the gall bladder, kidneys and bladder. This stone also positively influences the thyroid function. Leopard Skin Jasper is a stone that connects humankind to nature and to all that lives. This stone may also be used to help you find your power animal and to travel between the worlds.  

Lavender Quartz Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Lavender Quartz is a mix of   Amethyst   and   Rose Quartz , and also its colour is a mix of these two, a soft pinkish lilac is the result. Because of its 'mixed' origins Lavender Quartz combines the healing and magical properties of Amethyst and Rose Quartz, in a similar way as Ametrine, which combines the properties of Amethyst and Citrine in it. Lavender Quartz positively influences the psyche, this stone dispels mental blockages, but it also gives its wearer joy. On the physical level this stone positively influences the metabolism and blood circulation.  

Larimar Atlantis Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Against sciatica, lumbago, protects against deformation and weakening of bones. Use in case of pollen allergy and sensitivity, articular rheumatism. Larimar is a protection stone, it protects against negative influences, false friends and unfaithfulness. Larimar is a stone that helps soul mates find one another and stimulates the communication between lovers.   This stone is also known as Atlantis Stone.  

Lapis Lazuli Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Stimulates steadfastness, helps in case of insomnia and biting of nails, dandruff and loss of hair, strengthens love, helps against depression, eczema, nervousness, strengthens intuition, good for skin, spleen, strengthens the heart, in case of colics caused by gall stones. Against asthma, strengthens the will and nerves, protects against bad influences. Lapis Lazuli attracts spiritual love and is used for this reason in magical rituals.  

Landscape Jasper Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

This brown variety of   Jasper   displays a beautiful picture that reminds one of a photograph or painting of a landscape. Like most Jasper varieties this stone positively influences the organs, it strengthens liver, kidney, spleen and gall bladder functions. Landscape Jasper also makes sure that all toxins are removed from the body as quickly as possible and stimulates digestion. This Jasper variety gives its wearer inspiration and promotes psychism, and it will also protect you against bad habits.