Pearl Pearls Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones
Good for skin and complexion, for procreation, blood cells, intestines, stomach, muscles, spleen, nerves, vitality and metabolism, promotes tenderness, intuition, initiative, against fear, leads us towards the white light and forms enzymes. Promotes the healing of bones, against asthma, tooth decay and osteoporosis. Pearl is used in love and money magic. Sudden changes of temperature are bad for Pearls. After you've worn them do not put them down on a cold surface, but put them on a piece of cloth so they can adjust to the change of temperature. Pearls are hypersensitive to make-up and perfume. Jewerly with Pearls should be kept in a place with a high humidity, put a glass of water next to the piece of jewelry, this way the Pearl will retain its beauty. Although Pearls are beautiful, some people object to use these 'stones' in healing or magic, because the oyster that produces the Pearl is killed when the Pearl is 'harvested'. The choice whether or not you use Pearls in magic or for healing is yours!
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