English Medical Terms Glossary

Abrotifacient : Causing abortion.

Abscess : Local inflammation of body tissues with deep suppuration caused by bacteria which destroy the cells in the centre of the area and leave a cavity filled with pus.

Acidity : Excess of hydrochloric acid found in the stomach.

Acne : Skin condition, found usually in adolescents, in which glands of skin get infected.

Allergy : Abnormal Sensitivity to any substance.

Anemia : A decrease in the volume  of blood or some of the normal constituents of blood vessels and induces sleeplessness.

Anesthetic : A substance which produces loss of some from of sensitivity or entire of sensibility.

Anthrax : Disease of man from animals; two forms exist, one of the skin and the other of the lungs.

Appetite-loss : Aversion of food.

Arthritis : An abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.

Ascorbic acid : Vitamin C, occurring in fresh fruits.

Asthmatic problems : Periodic attacks of difficulty in breathing.

Bacteria : Single-celled organisms which bring about decay, disease or build up nitrogen compounds in the soil.

Bedsores : Lesion over pressure areas on the body of a bedridden patient.

Bladder : Collecting pouch for urine from kidneys.

Bleeding : Emitting blood. Bleeding can from a small cut or wound and will usually clot of its own accord.

Blood : Fluid contained in arteries and veins of the body that carried nutrients to and waste away from all tissues. Made up of cells and plasma.

Blood Pressure, Low : See Hypotension.

Blood Pressure, High : See Hypertension.

 Bronchitis : An inflammation of the mucous lining of the bronchial rubes.

Cardiotonic : Tonic for the heart.

Cholera : Epidemic disease with violent vomiting and purging, cramps and collapse, endemic in India and epidemic elsewhere.

Cholesterol : Steroid alcohol present in animal cells and body fluids.

Chronic : A term applied to certain disorders, denoting their slow onset and persistent duration.

Congestion : An abnormal accumulation of blood or lymph in some organ or region of the body.

Constipation : Condition of bowels in which defaecation is irregular and difficult.

Cough : Sudden expiratory  movement produced by irritation of the larynx, trachea , bronchi, or pleura.

Dandruff : Condition of the scalp characterized by dry scaling.

Dehydration : Loss of water.

Delirium : A state of more or less clouding of consciousness, dream like incoherent notions, illusion, and hallucinations, and restlessness or stupor, most common with fever or on a toxic pasis, usually with poor memory of the experience.

Depression : A feeling of melancholy, hopelessness and dejection.

Diabetes : Disease characterized by excessive discharge of glucose- containing urine, with thirst and emaciation, caused by the failure of pancreas to secrete and adequate amount of insulin and the resultant accumulation of glucose in the blood.

Diagnosis : Identification of disease by investigation of symptoms and history.

Digestion : The motor and chemical process by which nutritive substances are ingested, carried along the alimentary tract, and rendered capable of absorption into the blood lymph.

Dysentery : Disease with inflammation of mucous membrane and glands of large intestine and mucous and bloody evacuations.

Eczema : An itching disease of the skin.

Elephantiasis: Tropical disease in  which blocking of the lymph vessels by a parasite leads to great swelling of the tissues, especially in the lower limbs.

Exhaustion : The  limiting case of muscular fatigue, in which the stimulus or excitation ceases to elicit any overt motor response whatever.

Flu : (also, Influenza) : Virus infection characterized by fever, inflammation of the nose, larynx and bronchi, neuralgic and muscular pains and gastrointestinal disorder..

Fungus : Mould.

Gall Bladder : Sac beneath the liver which stores bile and secretes mucus.

Gallstones : Stone-like objects composed mainly of calcium, found in gall bladder and its drainage system.

Gastric secretion : Digestive secretion inside the stomach.

Goiter : Enlargement of the thyroid gland.

Gum : The tissues and  membranes surrounding the teeth.

Hemoglobin : Red- coloured oxygen carrier in RBC.

Hemophilia : Strong tendency to bleed.

Headache : Pain or ache localized in the head.

Hepatic : A drug that acts on  the liver.

Hepatitis : A swelling and soreness of the liver.

Hypertension : High arterial pressure.

Hypotension : Low blood pressure, a fall in blood pressure below the normal range.

Hysteria : A psychoneurosis, resulting from a conflict between the ego and the primitive tendencies of the id, in which the latter tendencies are repressed, and are thus excluded from the direct conscious expression, it being assumed that the unconscious, repressed material find an indirect physical outlet through conversion, producing the hysterical symptoms.

Intestinal problem : Disorders in the intestine.

Intestine : The membranous tube which extends from the stomach to the anus.

Itch (also itching) : An cutaneous and internal disorder; a sensory experience which involves mild pricking-pain sensations, unpleasantness, and a persistent impulse to scratch.

Jaundice : Increase in bile-pigments in blood.

Kidneys : The vital organs of the human body, which remove waste products from the blood and regulate the amount of water and the delicate balance  of chemicals in the body.

Leprosy : Chronic endemic bacterial disease caused by Mycobacterium lepriae. Characterized by thickening and ulceration of the skin with loss of sensation and in severe cases deformity and blindness.

Leukemia : A fatal disease of the organs that manufacture blood, such as the lymph glands and done marrow.

Lymph : Special functioning fluid that flows through specific vessels, passing through the filter of the lymph glands before entering the bloods stream.

Malaria : Acute, Febrile, infectious disease caused by the presence of parasitic organisms in the red blood cells.

Memory : Recall of past experience.

Metabolism : Energy exchange in a living organism.

Mucus : A thick, white liquid secreted by mucous glands.

Muscle : The tissue which is responsible for body movement.

Narcotic : A drug Which induces narcosis, a condition of stupor, diminished sensitivity to pain, motor paralysis and a tendency towards sleep.

Neuralgia : A painful disorder of one more nerves. It usually caused sharp fitful pains.

Nervous system : The totality of neurons in the body of any organism.

Neurasthenia : A condition characterized by lack of physical and mental vigous, by abnormal fatigability, and often by the presence of phobies.

Osteo : (Prefix) Bone.

Osteoporosis : A disorder that causes a gradual decrease in both the amount and strength of bone tissues.

Paralysis : Impairment or complete loss of motor function due to some or destruction of sensory function.

Peptic ulcer : A non-cancerous crater-like sore in the wall of the stomach or intestine.

Pharmaceutical : Of the use or sale medicinal drugs.

Piles : Enlarged painful veins in rectum or around anus.

Pimple : Small pointed area on skin, at times filled with infectious material.

Pituitary gland : A small compound endocrine gland, situated at the base of the brain.

Polio ( also Poliomyelitis, Infantile Paralysis ) : A disease that causes paralysis.

Pyorrhea : Infection of the gums which causes the edges of the  tooth sockers to bleed easily when teeth are being brushed.

Rheumatism : Pain, swelling and deformity of joints of unknown cause.

Rubefacient : Causing redness, as of the skin.

Sciatica : Inflammation of injury to the sciatic in back of thigh.

Sexual : Pertaining to sex.

Skin : Outer covering of body.

Sleeplessness : Lack of sleep.

Stomach : A sac-like enlargement of the alimentary tract, following the esophagus, in which the preliminary process of digestion takes place.

Therapeutic : That which treats medically curative.

Thyroid : Located below the larynx.

Toxin : Poisonous substance of animal or vegetable origin.

Tumour : A swelling or growth.

Typhoid : An infectionus fever caused by the typhoid bacillus, characterized by diarrhea and other symptoms.

Ulcer : Sores on skin or internal parts of body, caused by various factors.

Urinary bladder inflammation : Inflamation of the bladder.

Vagina : The passage connecting the outer and inner female sex organs.

Vasodilator : Causing relaxation of the blood vessels, thus lowering the blood pressure.

Viruses : Minute organisms that cause diseases such as common cold, measles, mumps, poliomyelitis, chicken-pox, smallpox, etc.

Vomiting : The forcible expulsion of substance from the stomach through the mouth, elicited by intestinal. Gastric, cardiac, or pharyngeal irritation.

Wrinkle : Furrow-like crease, depression or ridge in skin.

Whitlow : Infected finger.
