Siddhasan Siddhasana Perfect Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners
Siddhasan (Perfect Posture)
Place your right heel between your anus and the genitals in such a way that the sole of the foot touches the left thigh. Then fix your left heel at the root of the generative organ. Keep your head, neck in a straight line. Fix your gaze either in the middle of the eyebrows or at the tip of the nose, as may be preferred. Both the knees should touch the ground. Make a Jnan Mudra, placing the hand on the respective knees.
Jnan Mudra:- The index finger touches the middle of the thumb of each hand and the other three finger remain straight.
Benefits:- Being the most useful posture for mediation, it is so named. The perineum is automatically contracted, thereby directing the Prana (vital breath) and semen upwards towards the brain. Passage of Sushumna opens up, steadies Prana, sense organs and mind; helps in maintaining continence due to the slackening of spermatic nerves caused by the pressure applied by the heel; enables the aspirant to bear the pairs of opposites (e.g., pain and pleasure, heat and cold, etc.)
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