Padmasan Padmasana Lotus Pose 1 Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Padmasan (Lotus Posture I)

Place your left foot on the right groin and the right foot on the left groin in such a way that the heels of both the feet join below the navel, at the abdomen. The soles of the feet should be  fixed on the thighs and should look like lotus leaves. Now keeping your back, neck and head in a straight line, keep the knees firmly on the ground and the gaze at the tip of the nose, place the hands on the heels, making Brahmanjali. Sit calmly.

Brahmanjali:- Place the palm of your left hand on the palm of the right hand and keep them between the heels.

Benefits :- It cures a number of diseases and especially strengthens the nerves below the waist region and makes them flexible. It keeps breathing normal and helps in concentration by quietening the mind and sense organs. The straightening of the spinal cord helps the free movement of prana in the Sushumna. This is the best posture for breathing exercises and meditation.

 The common rule is that spinal cord, neck, head and waist should be kept in a straight line in all the meditation.
