Onyx Black Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Onyx is a powerful grounding stone. Against accidents, deafness and ringing ears, promotes hearing, listening and concentration, makes one serious and strengthens ones sense of reality. Against skin disorders, suppurating wounds, heart disease, strengthens the eyes, the hair, skin, gives the skin a positive glow, gives perseverance, against blocked circulation and for heart, stomach, spleen, nerves, kidneys and weather sensitivity, against sadness and negativity, against high blood pressure, weak heart. Promotes a good energy flow in the body, against respatory illnesses especially tuberculosis. Promotes seriousness, gives meekness and perseverance, controls passion and calms. Onyx is a protection stone, it protects against negative influences, but also against astral attacks and all negativity. This stone suppresses sexual impulses, for most people this is not a good idea, because sex is a natural release and part of life. But for those whose sexual impulses are too strong this stone is suitable. Sexual impulses can be brought on by stones like i.e: Diamond, a small Diamond set in Onyx symbolizes the control over ones sexual nature. 
