Quartz Cat's Eye Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones
Quartz Cat's Eye is usually referred to as Cat's Eye, but this name is not entirely correct. The only stone that has the 'right' to call itself just Cat's Eye is the Cat's Eye variety of Chrysoberyl, all other stones that display the cat's eye effect should be preceded by the name of the gemstone. This stone is also called Bull's Eye or Red Tiger's Eye. Quartz Cat's Eye is suited for school going children because it activates concentration. Next to that this stone may be used, just like all 'eye' stones, to ameliorate the eyes and to dispel and heal ailments of the eyes as well. Quartz Cat's eye is a stone that stimulates courage and gives one a sense of safety. It may also be used to heal diseases of the bronchial tract, like asthma, pneumonia and tuberculosis. This stone positively influences the muscles, nerves and motor skills. Quartz Cat's Eye may be used to heal and diminish neuritis, neuralgia and cramps. This stone also positively influences bones and joints.
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