Jasper Brown Red Yellow Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones
Jasper arrow heads are worn to attract good fortune.
Brown Jasper
Brown Jasper connects us to the earth's powers and connects the body, mind and spirit. It is a grounding stone.
Red Jasper
Red Jasper helps against morning sickness in pregnancies, disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys, epilepsy and cystitis, strengthens the bladder, against bladder stones. Protects against strokes, against anorexia and boulemia, use when you are retaining water, for the lungs, blood, strengthens the will and sense of smell. For liver, gallbladder, kidneys, nausea, stomach pains, against fear, gives insight and sensitivity. Against all sorts of radiation and negative rays. During the first three months of the pregnancy this is a very protective stone. Enhances concentration and makes one see difficult situations in a different light. Against egoism, promotes tolerance, strengthens the mind and dispels negative thoughts. Red Jasper is a protection stone and is used in defensive magic, it sends all negativity back to its sender!! Red Jasper is also used in spellwork that has to do with healing.
Yellow Jasper
Yellow Jasper is an excellent healer of problems of the pancreas, liver and gall bladder. It protects its wearer against hyper function of the thyroid and provides a healthy metabolism. Also in cases of nervousness and insomnia this stone can provide excellent results. Yellow Jasper promotes love for others, without prejudice. Next to this the stone strengthens the memory, and protects you against diarrhoea and ailments of the intestinal tract.
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