Moldavite Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

This green stone does not originate from Mother Earth, but was brought to this planet by meteorite showers, especially in the province of Bohemia, Czech Republic. Because of its extraterrestrial heritage Moldavite is a stone that contains very special and specific healing powers. It protects against grave diseases like cancer and AIDS and may also be used as a therapeutic stone when one has been affected by these illnesses. Next to that Moldavite strengthens the immune system, the bone-marrow and the blood. It provides its wearer with more energy and happiness. Meteorites, like Moldavite, have been considered as symbols of Divine power, the Mother Goddess Cybele was honoured as a black meteorite stone, and the stone of Kaaba in Mecca is an example of this. These stones were considered a gift from the Divine. In magic meteorites may be used for protection and astral travels and -protection. 
