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Showing posts from January 24, 2014

Caraway Seeds Benefits Remedies Origin Nutritive Value Medicinal Virtues Uses Shahjeera

CARAWAY SEEDS (Shahjeera) Description:                     The caraway (Carum carni) is a biennial, aromatic plant. It has usually a fleshy root, which tastes somewhat like carrots, and is yellowish on the outside and whitish on the inside. It has slender, branched stem that attains a height of 0.5 to 0.6 meters. The plant has finely cut, ferny leaves like the foliage of carrots. They are divided into very narrow segments. The flowers are small and white and they are used in many flower arrangements. The fruit, when ripe, splits into narrow, elongated carpels 4 to 6.5 mm long, cured, pointed at the ends and have four longitudinal ridges on the surface. The seeds, which are actually one-half a piece of the fruits of the plant, are brown in colour and hard and sharp to touch. They are widely used as a spice for culinary purpose. They are available whole or ground. They have pleasant odour, aromatic flavor, somewhat sharp taste and leave a somewhat warm feeling in the

Bishop's Weed Benefits Remedies Origin Nutritive Value Medicinal Virtues Uses Ajwain Carom Seeds

BISHOP’S WEED (Carom Seeds/Ajwain) Description Bishop’s weed (Trachyspermum ammi) plant belongs to coriander family, and resembles dill plant. It is a small, erect, annual shrub which grows upto about 1 meter. It has soft fine hair. The stems of the plant are much branched and leafy. It has feather like leaves 2.5 cm long; and 4 to 12 ray flowerheads, each bearing 6 to 16 flowers. The fruits are minute, egg-shaped and greyish. The dry seeds are harvested in the form Ajowan seeds. The seeds are egg-shaped about 2 mm. long 1 mm. broad. The are five ridges over each seeds with a depression in the middle. Inside the seed there are nine oil tubes that run vertically them. The seeds are aromatic, sharp, tingling and slightly bitter. The colour of the seeds is greenish-brown. Origin and distribution: The trade name ajwain is bases on the Indian name, which is derived from adarjawan. Bishop’s weed has been cultivated in India from ancient times. Now besides India it

Basil Benefits Remedies Origin Nutritive Value Medicinal Virtues Uses Tulsi

BASIL (Tulsi) Description The basil (Ocimum basilicum), also known as sweet basil, is a well-known common plant of India. It is an erect, much-branched, smooth, stout, and aromatic plant 30-90 cm. high. It is an annual plant of the mint family. The plant bears clusters of small, white or pale purple, two-lipped flowes in raceme fashion. The fresh leaves are bright green in colour and about 3.75 cm. in length. When fried, they turn brownish-green and brittle. Dried leaves and tender stems of this plant are used as a spice for flavouring and extraction of essential oils. The leaves have numerous dot-like glands which contains the aromatic oil of the herb. Sweet basil has an aromatic clove-like scent which is, somewhat saline in taste. It has a slightly sweetish flavor, which increases while cooking. There is a widespread belief in India that, if basil is planted around homes and temples, it would ensure happiness. There are numerous varieties of basil. Of these,