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Showing posts from May 6, 2013

Charoite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Charoite is a stone full of extreme powers, this stone hasn't been known for a long time in the Western world because Charoite is only found in Siberia. Charoite stabilizes the immune system and strengthens the human defences against disease. Sooths the central nervous system. Against infections and strengthens the family bonds and protects against evil forces. Protects against all kinds of radiation. Against phobias and irrational fears.

Celestite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

A great stone to use after operations, Celestite will help heal wounds so they will close without hardly leaving a scar. Celestite works on the throat area, especially on the thyroid function. Against fears, phobias and makes the bond between mind, body and soul stronger. This stone binds us to the earth and gives us love for the earth and the people and animals that live on it. Also this stone makes one eloquent.   Also known as Celestine.  

Carnelian Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Carnelian strengthens the nervous system, eases pains of the joints, lowers fevers, use in case of low blood pressure, against stubbornness. This stone promotes warmth and positivity, keeps nightmares away and promotes good dreams, courage, perseverance and strength. Use in case of infections, diabetes, blood poisoning, wounds and sores, for the blood circulation, protects against storms and lightning and regulates the weight; wear a Carnelian to prevent others from reading your mind and thoughts. Carnelian strengthens the voice and is a great help when you have to speak in public.