Aventurine Blue Brown Orange Green Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones
Blue Aventurine is a stone that positively influences the entire body and mind: in other words this stone is an all-round healer. It opens the third eye chakra and the throat chakra, Blue Aventurine stimulates creativity, communication and expression. It also diminishes blockages in the third eye chakra and may be used to stimulate visions. This stone is also called Vivianite.
Brown or orange Aventurine stimulates vitality and positively influences ones state of mind. This stone is also called Aventurine-Sunstone, because of its appearance and also because of its influences on the human psyche. brown or Orange Aventurine provides happiness for its wearer and gives one independence and originality. This stone is connected to the second chakra and may be used to dissolve creative blockages and also to find and work through sexual traumas.
The green variety stimulates unexpected adventure, luck in love and games and makes one independent and original. Use Green Aventurine against eczema, rash, acne and psoriasis, it heals damaged skin, prevents nosebleeds, against all problems that cause redness of the skin. Promotes growth, physical as well as mental, gives rest and self control, good for restless children, use in case of heart disease caused by excessive strain, good for eyes, skin, central nervous system and muscular system. Remedy against arthritis, osteoporosis and rachitis, can help in case of high or low blood pressure. Aventurine brings out the best and most beautiful in people and promotes the development of spirituality. This stone gives one luck in games and is a talisman for gamblers. Also Green Aventurine can be used in money spells.
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