Chrysocolla Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Promotes kindness and tolerance, against back aches, cramps and depressions, trust giving, helps work through experiences and utter them, balances emotions. Calms the nerves, lowers fevers, sooths throat aches, use in case of burns and thyroid diseases, it will balance your metabolism, use in case of menstrual problems. Harmonizes intense emotions and temper tantrums. Promotes sensitivity, kindness and tolerance and strengthens intuition. Use in case arthritis, sores, rheumatism,, osteoporosis, strengthens heart, lungs, bone marrow, promotes solving problems. A protective stone, against negative influences. This green stone can be used for love spells. Place a Chrysocolla in a small red or pink vase. Fill the vase half full of water and place three red roses in the vase. Replace the roses if necessary and love will soon enter your life. 
