Emerald Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones
Emerald helps one to see ones spiritual life clearly and go ones own way. This stone is capable of healing mental and spiritual wounds and gives positive energy so one can function in a normal manner. Emerald attracts abundance and wealth. Promotes loyalty to ones partner and protects during travel. Emerald strengthens the memory and mind, against epilepsy, bad dreams and insomnia, for eyesight, against glaucoma and cataract. For kidneys and liver, use in case of ear aches and head aches, hemorrhoids, gives one a young appearance, against malaria and flu, makes one eloquent, for pancreas, blood circulation, blood pressure, nervous system and metabolism. Diminishes fears, dejection, over-sensitivity and irritability and gives one inner peace. Emerald can be used in love spells, and is often used in business spells. For the best results, the old magicians recorded, an Emerald should be set in silver or copper.
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