Calcite Blue Green Honeycoloured Orange Pink White Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones
Because of the presence of calcium in this stone, Calcite has a tremendous influence on bones and teeth, protects man against breaking bones and osteoporosis. Against bandy-legs and knock kneed legs.
This property is present in all Calcites, but of course every color has its own healing properties:
Blue Calcite
Placed underneath a pillow Blue Calcite protects against evil spirits, enemies in the night and fires and lightning strikes. Blue Calcite has a heals ailments of the throat, against goiter and thyroid diseases. Place a Blue Calcite between two blue candles in healing rituals.
Green Calcite
Use in case of arrhythmia and diseases of the heart, low blood pressure. Diminishes fear. This stone can be used in rituals and spells to attract money and prosperity.
Honeycoloured Calcite
Use for elixirs and mineral baths. This stone enhances the healing properties of all other Calcites.
Orange Calcite
A Sunstone that gives one energy! Against split ends and fragile nails. Use in case of ulcers, diseases of the kidneys and spleen. Place an Orange Calcite under your pillow to prevent nightmares.
Pink Calcite
Works on the metabolism and regulates the enzymes of the bodily fluids. Gives joy and contentment. Because this stone is pink it can be used in love spells.
White Calcite
Use as a focus point for meditations and for spiritual rituals.
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