Coral Stone Red Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Coral has a positive influence on the thyroid function, both hyper and hypo function can be stabilized by wearing a piece of red Coral on the throat. Use in case of colic, against infertility, protects against disease. Use in case of anemia, for a healthy bladder function. Geriatric ailments and works positively. Coral helps in case of depression and narcolepsy. Against colon problems, constipation, tooth decay and works positive in case of osteoporosis and promotes the healing of bones. Regulates the pancreatic function and spleen, against hardening of the arteries. In the Renaissance Coral was used to help the teething of babies, usually children of rich families received a Coral teething ring. Coral is used as a protective amulet. It is used against the evil eye, demons, furies, succubi, incubi and phantasma. It guards against accidents, acts of violence, poison, theft, possession and sterility. 
Coral is a natural product, they are the skeletal remains of small creatures that inhabit the seas. In many countries it is forbidden to export Corals. Don't buy Coral just to have a piece; if you need a piece of Coral for your health, try to get a piece that has washed upon the shores, instead of a piece that has been harvested. And if you happen to find a piece that has just washed up on the beach, you are a lucky person and cherish this magical piece of Coral! 
