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Showing posts from February 10, 2013

Sexual Sexually Transmitted Diseases How to Trichomoniasis Candidacies Venereal warts Syphilis Gonorrhoea Genovenosis Causes Symptoms Cure Remedies Treatment Therapy

SEXUAL TRANSMITTED DISEASES In the absence of proper knowledge about sex, sexual diseases are increasing day by day. Sexual diseases start at the young age of 12 years and if untreated, at the peak of youth, that is, between 25-30 year of age, the cause extreme despair and a feeling of helplessness in the youth . This is the story of thousands of young men I lave know personally. The basic cause of sexual diseases is masturbation or onanism. In adolescence they masturbate so much that the sexual organ becomes weak and as result their married life is unhappy. They acquire the habit of masturbation from bad companions. They fantasize and fall a prey to nightfall or emission and wet their clothes with their semen. The semen gradually becomes thin and after marriage they find it difficult to retain and there is early ejaculation and finally they become impotent. The disease is usually kept secret and the patient does not discuss it with the physician but he takes medicines given by quacks