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Showing posts from February 21, 2013

Pain In The Joint Of Bones How to Cure Causes Remedies Symptoms Treatment Therapy Diet

PAIN IN THE JOINTS OF BONES Kateera : It is a kind of gum and is available at grocer’s shop. Pound it to make smaller pieces. When soaked, it absorbs a lot of water and swells a great deal. It should, therefore, be soaked in a bigger vessel. Soak half tsp. in a glass of water overnight. It will get swelled up by the morning. Mix sugar with it and eat it. It cures pain in the joints of bones. Black gram :  Boil 5 tsp. of black gram daal in a glass of water. When it is reduced to half, strain and drink. Take it twice daily. It relieves pain in the joints of bones.

Fracturing Of Bones Break Fracture How to Cure Causes Remedies Symptoms Treatment Therapy Diet

FRACTURING OF BONES Tomato : The use of tomatoes makes the bones strong. Tomatoes contain more calcium than other fruits and vegetables. Garlic : Garlic is useful if the bone has been fractured and displaced. In fact, it is useful in any disease of burnt wheat with honey is helpful in joining broken bones. Wheat : Licking 12 gms. of the ash of burnt wheat with honey is helpful in joining broken bones. Turmeric : Regular use of turmeric powder is beneficial in the case of fractured bones. Honey : Regular use of honey helps in joining the broken bones. 

Lactation Mothers Breast Milk Baby Infant Lactogenic Food Items How to Stimulates Milk Production

LACTATION Mother’s milk is the best diet for infants. Infants should be fed milk in a cheerful mood. If they are fed in an angry mood, it causes stomach – ache and spasms. Mother’s milk should not be fed to infants for the first three days after birth. If the mother’s milk is not sufficient and the infant is not fully fed, the following lactogenic food items will be helpful:  Grapes : Grapes are lactogenic. They stimulate milk production Mothers with insufficient milk should eat grapes. Papaya : Raw papaya eaten as a cooked vegetable increases lactation. Ripe papaya is also lactogenic. Carrots : Lactating mothers should take carrot – juice to stimulate milk production. Onion : Raw onion eaten in sufficient quantity with meals stimulate better milk production. Peas : Peas are also lactogenic. Black gram : Eating black gram daal with clarified butter stimulates milk production. Gram : Soak overnight 62 gms. of kabuli gram in milk. Strain the milk next morning. Eat the gram by chewing the

Hysteria How to Cure Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy

HYSTERIA Symptoms :  There are no definite symptoms to diagnose hysteria. Its main symptom, however, is an attack of unconsciousness or fainting. It can last from 24 to 48 hours. Some people have frequent and repeated attacks. During the attack, the patient becomes senseless. Greater attention should be paid during an attack to the mental and nervous symptoms shown by the patient. Women are more prone to this disease. Causes : Usually such young women who know that there are sympathetic people around who will take care of them are prone to this disease. If the feeling that ‘ they will get sympathy’ is not there, the between husband and wife, sexual dissatisfaction, anxiety, fear, grief, family troubles, sudden mental shock, pregnancy, problems pertaining to menstrual cycle, dyspepsia, etc. Treatment : The treatment should be for the root – cause of the problem. The attack of unconsciousness should not be a cause for worry. The patient should go for a walk every day in the open air. Fru

Leucorrhoea Vagina Mucus How to Cure Causes Remedies Symptoms Treatment Therapy

LEUCORRHOEA Leucorrhoea is a discharge of while yellowish or greenish or mucus from the vagina.  It is not diseases in itself but is the result of several other diseases. To cure leucorrhoea it is necessary to keep good health and complete hygiene, take light exercise, avoid constipation, give up tea, fine flour and fried food and take instead, fruits and vegetables. Also avoid sexual activity, anger, sorrow, anxiety and other emotional perturbations. Treatment through food Amla : (1) 3 gms. of amla powder mixed with 6 gms. of honey taken once daily for 30 days is beneficial. Do not take sour things. (2)20 ml. of amla juice mixed with honey taken for a months is also beneficial. Banana : (1) Eating a banana followed by milk and honey is beneficial for the patients of leucorrhoea. (2) Take a banana with 8 gms. of clarified butter for eight days. Kheer prepared with banana and milk is also useful. (3) Eat raw banana cooked as a vegetable. (4) Eat two banana with 3 tsp. of honey. Phalsa :