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Showing posts from May 17, 2013

Dolomite Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Use Dolomite for ailments of the skin and joints. For pancreas, thyroid and ovaries, use in case of allergies. White Dolomite helps aggressive people to cope with temper tantrums and mood swings.  

Dioptase Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Dioptase positively influences the reproductive organs, it even heals sexual transmitted diseases, but should not be worn as the only remedy against these kinds of illnesses. In cases like these it is better to prevent than to heal! If you have been infected with the HIV virus, this stone can prove to be very helpful for you. Even though it will not make the infection go away, you will feel better by wearing this stone. This stone may be worn to diminish and heal potency problems. Dioptase will also protect you against allergic and chronic ailments of the throat, nose and lungs. Dioptase is an excellent healer of migraines, headaches and other pain. It may be worn after operations to diminish pain and you will be up and about sooner. Dioptase can be used to cleanse the chakra system, but also to stimulate the chakras to bring you to the highest level of consciousness. Dioptase also balances the yin and yang energies of its wearer.  

Diopsite Diopside Stone Gemstone Therapy Remedies Online Home Healing Properties Gemstones

Diopsite or Diopside strengthens the intellect and teaches us to respect others, next to that Diopsite is suited for those that keep all their emotions bottled up inside, for it teaches us that crying from time to time relieves and is not a sign of weakness. Stressed pets also benefit from wearing this stone. Green Diopsite heals all kidney and urinary tract problems, but may also be used to heal tuberculosis. Black Diopsite strengthens the blood and may be used as a therapy stone for leukaemia. This stone also harmonises the vitamin C intake into the body and makes sure that you will not suffer from bleeding gums or scurvy.