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Showing posts from January 3, 2012

Jal Kunjal Jala Kunjal Kunjal Kriya The Stomach Wash

JAL KUNJAL, JALA KUNJAL, KUNJAL KRIYA, THE STOMACH WASH This technique is for cleanliness and efficiency of the upper digestive system (pharynx, esophagus, stomach) as well as the respiratory system (pharynx, trachea, bronchi). How can we clean out the stomach and lungs you ask? The yogis invented a way of simply back-flushing the stomach, just like Jala Neti does for the nose. The yogis maintain that every morning one should flush the stomach, starting off with a clean digestive furnace, to remove any remnant food and to replace the mucus lining. It is just like washing off the dead skin cells on the outside of the body each day. Just as swimming, saunas and scrubbing helps the skin to function or "breathe" better, flushing out the stomach helps it to digest better. Method About six cups of warm salty water (we are not going to include the exact recipe here) are drunk to completely fill the stomach, and then from either a squatting or a bent forward p