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Nourishment Of Life


Life is a divine gift, and a disease free sound health is a great blessing. Nourishing food is essential for a sound health. We need to know what to eat, so that the food consumed may not only satisfy our hunger, but also keep us healthy through its medicinal effects.

          Food provide a base to live a healthy life. If food is to our taste and easy to digest, it surely keeps us healthy. A number of health food charts based on modern scientific studies are available that prescribe the quantities of carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins, etc, to be taken daily through various items of food according to the calorie requirement of our body. But because of defective digestive system, our body is not able to burn fully all the calories we consume, as a result we fall sick. Therefore, we should pay due attention to food and consume such things as would provide nourishment to our body acting as medicines and keep us disease free. The present book prescribes ‘treatment through food based on this very principle.

          A patient is better treated in a kitchen than in a hospital. In our daily life we take almost dead or nutritution-less food. We can certainly increase our life-span to a hundred years if we improve our food habits and observe restraint in our life. Gita says satvik food and frugal eating increase our longevity. You can even realize god by observing a fast. Howsoever tasty the food may be, it should be chewed properly. More men die of over-eating than form hunger. Eat less so that your digestive system can work better. Keep yourself cheerful. Medicines would not work if  do not follow the dictum of “ prevention is better than cure”.

          It is, therefore, better to eat wholesome food because health and beauty are better preserved by eating according to your need only. Follow nature, the closer you are to the nature, healthier and longer your life will be.

          Pure food is endowed with the quality of sattva makes the memory rententive. Rententive memory in turn helps in the attainment of knowledge which unfolds the knots of one’s heart. In other words, ignorance vanishes and all doubts are cleared. Thus pure food insures once total well- being. 

          The most beneficial food is the one, which is its natural form or which has been the least tempered with (reformed).

          Naturopathy favours only satvik foods. According to naturopath food is medicine and medicine is food. Natural food activates the inner resistance power or the immune system in such a way that it is able to fight all infectious diseases. Therefore, treatment through food is a part of naturopathy.

          People who feel sick most of the time should consume only vegetable, salad and fruits for  some time. It is beneficial in a great number of diseases. If the food items stated in this book are taken together as a large number possible, relief will come promptly.

          It is imperative to improve your style of eating if you want to keep healthy. From fruits, vegetables, etc. should be taken regularly because they provide all the vitamins required by our body. To keep healthy treat your food as medicines. According to Socrates, health lies in wholesome food, and wholesome food is medicine. Food should be taken for nutritution when healthy when healthy and as medicine when sick.

          Proper food is as vital as medicine for prompt relief and healing. Vitamins are also in a way food items ; they help us in keeping healthy. The deficiency can cause certain diseases. The vegetables, fruits and spices describe in the following pages not only help in curing diseases, but also work as a healthy diet for patient. Any alternate medicine if necessary can also be taken with this diet. They should be prescribed according to the nature and condition of the patient. If in any way they cause trouble or problem, there use should be discontinued. Vitamin c has been discussed below. Its appraisal will help us understand how useful some of the particular substance are in maintaining a sound health and combating diseases.



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