Golden Rules For Health Protection Benefits


After you wake up in the morning rinse your mouth and drink fresh water. Get up before sunrise, get yourself free and sit down quietly and meditate. This way you will lead a cheerful day. To continue sleeping even after sunrise is not good for health.

      Take your meals before sunset: Food is digested by the heat from the sun. While you are asleep the digestive system gets weakened. Therefore, you should not go to sleep three hours after the meals during the day or at night. People from Jain community and some others take their meals before sunset. This way food gets digested before you go to sleep. It is indeed a good practice. Eating late at night does not allow the food to be properly digested. If you indulge in it before that, it upsets the stomach. Before going to sleep, offer joint prayers and worship God. Do not sleep straight on your back. During summers, wash your hands and feet with cool water before going to bet. It will induce good sleep and you will not have a nocturnal emission. You should go to bed when you feel sleepy.

      Before the meals: Drink a glass of water an hour before the meals. It would be better so squeeze half a lemon in a glass of water and then drink it. Before you begin the meals take a sip of water. Also, before taking meals wash your hands, feet and face. Washing the feet stimulates the fire of the stomach which helps is digesting the food.

      During the meals: Take your meals in a cheerful mood. Don’t drink water during the meals. If necessary, take a sip or two. Drink water an hour after the meals. At the end of the meals take a glass of butter milk. Laugh open-heartedly after the meals, it will help in the early digestion of the food and you will not suffer from constipation. Include five basil leaves in your daily diet. Taking these regularly saves you form malaria. Milk should be taken after half an hour of the meals. Don’t gorge on food. Eat a little less than your appetite. In old age digestive power weakens and you don’t do much physical labour. Therefore, in old age you should eat frugal meals.

      After the meals: A leisured stroll of a hundred steps after the meals helps in digesting the food properly. After the walk lie straight and breathe eight times, turn right and breathe sixteen times, then turn left and breathe eight times, turn right and breathe sixteen times, then turn left and breath thirty two times. After that you can do whatever work you have to do. Above the navel lies the seat of agni (fire, digestion), therefore, to facilitate digestion of food one should  always sleep on the left side (Bhaav prakash). If you keep sitting after meals it makes you lazy and dull. Sleep makes the body strong. While washing your face, fill your mouth with draught of water, then splash water on your eyes. It improves your eyesight. Blocking your left nostril after the meals strengthens your digestive system. Drink a little water before going to bed. Filtered water is good because when food reaches the stomach, nature gets involved in the job of digestion and more blood starts flowing towards the stomach so that more digestive juices can be produced.

Therefore, if immediately after meals we do something that involves physical or mental exertion, take bath or indulge in sex or eat our meals immediately after the above activities, the stomach gets less blood because the flow of blood is diverted towards other parts of the body. As a result, there is lesser secretion of digestive juices and the digestive system gets weakened. Persons who are weak or have a defective digestive system should take rest or a stroll after meals.

      It is disciplined life of a mother that keeps a child fit. A woman should not feed child soon after sexual intercourse. Heat gets transferred to the body of the child if she does so. At least once in a week you should massage your body with mustard oil. Keep yourself free from worries. Anxiety is more harmful to human health than anything else. Those who keep themselves tension free even when they are sick, recover soon. Auto suggestion that you are getting better is quite helpful. If you press your teeth tight while easing your bowels, your teeth will not get loose all your life and you will not get a stroke of paralysis. If a diabetic jogs for a sufficiently long distance in the morning and evening he will stop passing sugar in the urine without taking medicines. The institute of gerontology in Russia has found out that old age does not need rest but hard work to keep health in good shape.

      Sitting with bent back is an early invitation to old age. If you press your foot while easing your bowels, you do not get piles and the bowels, you do not get piles and the bowel movement gets facilitated. Mahatma Buddha says, “one who takes a light frugal meal once a day is a Mahatma, one who eats twice in a controlled manner is a wiseman and one who eats more than that, is a big fool.”

      Laughter : Laughter is the best medicine. It strengthens the muscles of the stomach, stimulates blood circulation and gives exercise to the body.
Indigestion is the cause of pain.
Treatment is not for the disease but for the patient, not for the body but for the vital force that keeps the body going.
The light of the inner mind is reflected in the outer world. Those who want the outer world to be better should purge their inner soul.
The greatest healers are : Time, nature and patience.

The secret of fitness : A person who does his hob with faith in God and renders all his deeds unto Him, conquers all diseases, maladies and miseries of the world and all his wishes are fulfilled. A person who begins to hate himself, undoubtedly comes close to self destruction.
