Benefits of Cold Water Bath Ice Water Bath Cold Water Showers
Doctors suggest that we should not take a hot that even in winters. We should bathe everyday in winter with cold water, i.e. ordinary tap water. It is not necessary that the water should be ice cold. We can see that most of our fairs and holy bathing festivals fall in winter. In the beginning, most of us would begin to shiver at the very sight of cold water but once you take to bathing with cold water you would overcome the fear.
How to bathe: The easier way to take a cold bath is first to pour water on the head. You might have watched that people first immerse their head in water while bathing in a river. If you wet your head, while taking a bath the heat from the head travels down the body and escapes through the feet. But if you wet your feet and legs or the lower portion of the body first, the body heat escapes through the head. This should not be allowed to happen form health point of view.
You should not hurry through your bath. Rub with your palms the different parts of the body. This way you can fully enjoy your bath. Rubbing opens the pores of the body and activates them. A great deal of sweat and filth is excreted through these pores.
After rubbing your body with your hands, rub it with a dry towel. Rubbing with a towel does not mean only wiping the water off your body but also giving a good rubbing to the skin.
After cold bath you should immediately put on warm clothes because the body generates heat after cold bath, otherwise a cold breeze may do you a great harm.
Benefits: A cold bathe has various benefits which a hot bathe lacks. A hot bath is not completely satisfying. We start shivering soon after the hot bath. With a hot bath the blood circulation does not reach the uppermost layer of the skin. Besides, the blood cells near the outer skin become weak, whereas a cold bathe strengthens them. When our skin comes in contact with cold water, it contracts. The contractions caused by the loss in temperature provide relief to the body. It creates an effect equal to that of body massage. It is good to take a bath with lukewarm water occasionally but it should not become a regular habit.
When we use cold water for a bath it accelerates the blood circulation; we can feel it while bathing. The interesting thing is that when we take a cold bath the body experiences a sort of inner warmth. It happens because of the rapid flow of blood.
People who take a cold bath seldom fall sick. A cold bath does not make you sick but it could be harmful to at person who is already sick. Generally speaking, people who bath themselves with cold water or in a river enjoy better health than others.
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