When To Eat What
A patient suffering from malaria should be given milk and the juice of mausambi, oranges and sugarcane. After recovery form fever he should be given thin soup of pulses and porridge. He should not be given solid food for few days.
For swollen and painful tonsils, put some common slat and alum into lukewarm water and gargle for a few seconds. Gargling with water boiled with tea leaves is also useful.
Diarrhoea: Curd, rice, khichadi, butter mild, ripe bananas and apples should be given. Milk should be avoided.
Nutmeg scoured with water and given thrice a day cures diarrhea.
Jaundice: sugarcane juice, juicy fruits or their juice and glucose should be given.
Warts: Warts can grow anywhere on the body. If you take homeopathic medicine they dry up and fall. Take four parts of lime used by paanwala and one part of washing soda and put in a glass bottle. Seal the bottle with a cork and shake well. It should be a plastic or glass cork and not of iron. After some days the ingredients will dissolve and blend. Put a little of this mixture on a cotton wad and apply twice a day on the wart. Care should be taken so that it does not touch the skin. It is injurious to the skin. The wart will dry up in a day or two and come off. The mixture does cure the warts but they grow again. Therefore, it is advisable touse the homeopathic medicine. Thuja-200 fro twenty days, taking a dose every third day.
Prickly heat, eczema, ringworm, shingles, itching, ulcer, tumour, boil: Don’t take oily and fried food and tea. The patient should eat spinach, radish leaves, onions, tomatoes, carrots, guavas and papaya. Apply mitti on the stomach.
Weak eyesight: Don’t consume vegetable ghee.
Diabetes: Don’t take bananas, sugar, jaggery and sweets.
Rheumatism: Don’t take spinach, bananas and potatoes.
Acidity : Don’t take pickles.
Paralysis : Don’t take sweet.
Ulcer : Don’t take lemons, oranges and sour fruits.
Liver : Don’t take alcohol, sugar, biscuits, ghee, oily and fried food.
Chicken pox : The meal should include milk, grapes, pomegranate, mausambi, etc.
Wound : Reduce your salt intake.
Sciatica : Curd, bananas, rice, radish, tomatoes, potatoes, sour things like tamarind, pickles, urad, gram daal and cold drinks are harmful.
Cough, asthma, cancer, T.B. : Don’t smoke or don’t use tobacco and avoid worries and anxiety.
Hypertension and hypotension : Don’t take salt in hypertension, but use salt in hypotension.
Catarrh : Don’t take milk, ghee, oil and their products.
Itch : Application of lemon juice mixed with jasmine oil in equal quantities cures dry and seasonal itch during rains.
Reduce your intake of salt when suffering from skin diseases.
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