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Showing posts from February 19, 2013

Hypertension How to Cure Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy

HYPERTENSION The heat circulates the blood in the body through arteries. When the blood gets into the arteries, their walls also help in blood circulation by exerting pressure. Sometime the walls of the arteries thicken up and lose their flexibility. Under such circulation of blood. This extra force or pressure is known as  blood  pressure.  Hazards : High blood pressure can lead to heart attack, arresting of heart, paralysis of the brain, failure of kidneys, problems of eyesight and even death. Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure : Headache, nausea, giddiness, exhaustion, general body – aches and pain, increase in palpitation of the head and heart and pulse rate. Often blood pressure in itself does not show any symptoms. If one develops blood pressure up of heart, eyes and kidneys, especially if there is a family history of the disease or if you are living in stressful conditions. Causes of Hypertension : Disorders of kidneys, emotional stress, hectic lifestyle, loss of peace, hereditary

Abortion Checking How to Cure Causes Symptoms Remedies Treatment Therapy

CHECKING OF ABORTION The premature expulsion from the womb of a foetus less than three months old is known as miscarriage. During miscarriage there is a great deal of blood – loss. If it is only bleeding, it is called threatened abortion. If bleeding is accompanied by pain the possibility of miscarriage increases.  Causes : New  diseases, e.g., pneumonia, infections; old diseases, e.g., syphilis, T.B., Uterus – related problem, a blow in the stomach, fear, mental shock, impeded growth of the foetus in the womb, tendency towards miscarriage, lack to abortion. If a woman has had two abortions, there is a possibility of the third abortion also. After three abortions, the fourth abortion is almost a certainty. Women suffering from T.B. and who are delicate and soft by nature, usually fall a victim to miscarriage. Auxiliary Methods to check Abortion: Women who are prone to abortion should not lift heavy things. They should take rest. During miscarriage and stomachache one should take comple