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Showing posts from July 1, 2013

Gomukhasan Gomukhasana Cow Face Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Gomukhasana (Cowface Posture) Place your left heel touching the right hip on the outside. After bending right leg, keep the right heel touching the left hip on the outside so that the left knee comes below the right. Alternatively, bend the right/left arm, lift the elbow towards the head and put the hand on the back, then bend the left/right arm, take the elbow towards the back lifting the left/right hand upward, and lock the fingers of both the hands. Benefits :- This posture strengthens knees and feet and prevents enlargement of the testicles. It is suitable for recitation and study.

Kamalasan Kamalasana Lotus Pose 2 Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Kamalasana (Lotus Posture II) Sit on the ground with the legs stretched in front of you. Bend the right leg and fix the heel on the left groin. Now bend the left leg and place the left foot on the right knee. Put the hands on the respective knee in Jnan Mudra. Benefits :- This easy posture is useful for doing jap (repetition of mantras), sacrifices, study of scriptures, etc

Sukhasan Sukhasana Comfort Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Sukhasana (Comfort Posture) The two methods are described in Yoga Sara as follows : Method  1 :- Place the calf of your right on the left in such a way that the ankle bone of the left foot is not pressed and the big toes of both feet are visible. Make a finger-lock and place it in your lap. Stretch the shoulders up, keeping the waist and neck in a straight line. The body should be neither too stiff nor too limp. Method  2 :- Place one leg below the other as may be convenient. Keep your chest, spinal cord and head straight as in the previous pose and place the finger-lock in your lap. After taking up either of the two postures, sit calmly. Benefits :- Aspirants like this posture the most as it is very easy and comfortable. In this posture one can sit in Samadhi for several days. The body, Prana and sense organs do not get tired easily and respiration remains normal.

Swastikasan Swastikasana Happy Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners

Swastikasana (Happy posture) This posture has been defined in the Yoga Sara as follows : Place the sole of the right foot between your left thigh and calf and that of the left between the right thigh and calf, keep the chest, spinal cord and neck in a straight line. Place your hands on the knees in Jnan Mudra. Benefits :- By adopting this easy and comfortable posture aspirants get quick success in Pranayam (breathing exercises), Pratyahar (Making the senses introvert), Dharana (Fixing the mind on one point), Dhyana (Contemplation) and Samadhi ( Super consciousness). Aspirants who find Sidha or Padma postures difficult to adopt may take this one.