Ekapadotthita Ardhabaddha Padmasana Dhruva Posture Yoga Asanas Mudra Benefits How to do Practice Yogic History Poses Beginners
Ekapadotthita-Ardhabaddha-Padmasana (Dhruva Posture)
Stand erect with feet placed together. Place your left foot on the right groin with the sole facing upward. Then, place the left hand palm upwards just below the navel. Now inhale and retain the breath and raise the right hand above the head. Repeat it on the other leg also.
Benefits:- I had seen a saint at Saptasarover practicing austerities in this posture for several years. The hand which he had kept raised had become very thin and the foot on which he was standing was swollen. After some years he went to Allahabad where he continued his austerities.
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